What is FORMIUM®?

The structure of your organisation is the frame that holds it together, and provides anchor such that your organisation can express itself through purpose, action and performance. FORMIUM® analyses the quality and strength of your organisation structure. Underpinning this evaluation is our emphasis on simplicity in design. FORMIUM® profiles your organisation’s structure along five dimensions of simplicity: axial or conceptual simplicity, dimensional simplicity, compositional simplicity, functional simplicity, and connective simplicity. FORMIUM® provides an in-depth assessment of structural quality; identifies areas that suffer from avoidable design complexities; assesses fit with strategy and environment; and highlights flaws that are inherent in the design and are nonobvious, and may have ossified over time.
The structure of your organisation is the frame that holds it together, and allows it to express through purpose, action and performance. Underpinned by our emphasis on simplicity, FORMIUM® analyses the quality and strength of your organisation’s structure along five dimensions of simplicity: axial or conceptual, dimensional, compositional, functional and connective simplicity. FORMIUM® provides an in-depth assessment of the structure; identifies avoidable design complexities; assesses fit with strategy and environment; and highlights inherent, nonobvious and ossified design flaws.
The structure of your organisation is the frame that holds it together, and allows it to express through purpose, action and performance. Underpinned by our emphasis on simplicity, FORMIUM® analyses the quality and strength of your organisation’s structure along five dimensions of simplicity: axial or conceptual, dimensional, compositional, functional and connective simplicity. FORMIUM® provides an in-depth assessment of the structure; identifies avoidable design complexities; assesses fit with strategy and environment; and highlights inherent, nonobvious and ossified design flaws.
The structure of your organisation is the frame that holds it together, and allows it to express through purpose, action and performance. Underpinned by our emphasis on simplicity, FORMIUM® analyses the quality and strength of your organisation’s structure along five dimensions of simplicity: axial or conceptual, dimensional, compositional, functional and connective simplicity. FORMIUM® provides an in-depth assessment of the structure; identifies avoidable design complexities; assesses fit with strategy and environment; and highlights inherent, nonobvious and ossified design flaws.
Why worry about "organisation structure"? Why get FORMIUM®?
Organisation structures enable the performing of complex tasks and solving of complex problems. However, this does not predicate that structures need be complex themselves. FORMIUM® believes that, much to the contrary, organisation structures are most prolific when founded on simple yet profound concepts. Design-related complexity, while impeding progress by itself, gets further exacerbated when structure is overlaid with processes and people. In acute situations, such complexity, seemingly elegant and harmless at the outset, turn into design flaws and injure organisation performance. No wonder that owners, overseers and leaders of organisations consider structure design to be their first consideration in their endeavours to strengthen organisational health and performance.
Organisation structures enable complex tasks and the solving of complex problems. However, this does not predicate that structures need be complex themselves. FORMIUM® believes that, much to the contrary, organisation structures are prolific when founded on simple profound concepts. Design complexity, while impeding by itself, gets exacerbated when structure is overlaid with processes and people. In acute situations, such complexity turns into design flaws and injures performance. No wonder that organisation owners and leaders consider structure design to be a top priority.
Organisation structures enable complex tasks and the solving of complex problems. However, this does not predicate that structures need be complex themselves. FORMIUM® believes that, much to the contrary, organisation structures are prolific when founded on simple profound concepts. Design complexity, while impeding by itself, gets exacerbated when structure is overlaid with processes and people. In acute situations, such complexity turns into design flaws and injures performance. No wonder that organisation owners and leaders consider structure design to be a top priority.
Organisation structures enable complex tasks and the solving of complex problems. However, this does not predicate that structures need be complex themselves. FORMIUM® believes that, much to the contrary, organisation structures are prolific when founded on simple profound concepts. Design complexity, while impeding by itself, gets exacerbated when structure is overlaid with processes and people. In acute situations, such complexity turns into design flaws and injures performance. No wonder that organisation owners and leaders consider structure design to be a top priority.

Who will benefit from FORMIUM®?

Organisation leaders and owners of businesses are the principal beneficiaries of FORMIUM®. The product enables them to obtain a transparent view of their organisation’s design, one that abstracts from the regular and inconsequential to the set of structural issues that are ultimately enabling or impeding performance. FORMIUM®’s underlying emphasis on design simplicity allows leaders and owners with a construct and an approach to identify, isolate and remove the most debilitating of all process and people related hurdles. FORMIUM® benefits decision makers in organisational domains that lie in the intersection of two or more functions. Finally, FORMIUM® unfetters frontline employees by simplifying reporting and supervisory relationships, and by disaggregating operational goals and accountabilities.
Organisation leaders are the principal beneficiaries of FORMIUM®, and get a transparent view of their organisation’s design – one that abstracts from the regular and inconsequential to structural issues that are ultimately enabling or impeding performance. FORMIUM®’s underlying emphasis on simplicity allows leaders with a construct and approach to identify, isolate and remove debilitating process and people hurdles. FORMIUM® benefits decision makers at the intersection of functions. Finally, FORMIUM® unfetters frontline employees by simplifying reporting and disaggregating goals and accountabilities.
Organisation leaders are the principal beneficiaries of FORMIUM®, and get a transparent view of their organisation’s design – one that abstracts from the regular and inconsequential to structural issues that are ultimately enabling or impeding performance. FORMIUM®’s underlying emphasis on simplicity allows leaders with a construct and approach to identify, isolate and remove debilitating process and people hurdles. FORMIUM® benefits decision makers at the intersection of functions. Finally, FORMIUM® unfetters frontline employees by simplifying reporting and disaggregating goals and accountabilities.
Organisation leaders are the principal beneficiaries of FORMIUM®, and get a transparent view of their organisation’s design – one that abstracts from the regular and inconsequential to structural issues that are ultimately enabling or impeding performance. FORMIUM®’s underlying emphasis on simplicity allows leaders with a construct and approach to identify, isolate and remove debilitating process and people hurdles. FORMIUM® benefits decision makers at the intersection of functions. Finally, FORMIUM® unfetters frontline employees by simplifying reporting and disaggregating goals and accountabilities.
Where (in which settings) should you get FORMIUM®?
Get FORMIUM® for your organisation when faced with one or more of the following five realities. First, the ‘reality of performance-potential dichotomy’. Do you feel that your organisation is performing below its inherent potential, and at odds with the quality of its products and people? Second, ‘reality of modest velocity’. Are you struggling to get your organisation to move forward with imperatives and take major decisions? Third, ‘reality of growth’. Is your organisation going through a period of enthusiastic growth and investments? Fourth, ‘reality of leadership change’. Has your organisation undergone changes at senior levels, with concomitant change in management styles? Fifth, ‘reality of culture change’. Has your organisation undergone a culture change program, along with its attendant flux and anxiety?
Get FORMIUM® when faced with any of five realities. First, ‘performance-potential dichotomy’. Is your organisation performing below potential, despite high quality products and people? Second ‘modest velocity’. Are you struggling to get your organisation to drive imperatives and take decisions? Third ‘growth’. Are you in the midst of enthusiastic growth and investments? Fourth, ‘leadership change’. Have you witnessed changes in senior leadership and management styles? Fifth, ‘culture change’. Is the organisation undergoing a culture change program, along with its attendant flux and anxiety?
Get FORMIUM® when faced with any of five realities. First, ‘performance-potential dichotomy’. Is your organisation performing below potential, despite high quality products and people? Second ‘modest velocity’. Are you struggling to get your organisation to drive imperatives and take decisions? Third ‘growth’. Are you in the midst of enthusiastic growth and investments? Fourth, ‘leadership change’. Have you witnessed changes in senior leadership and management styles? Fifth, ‘culture change’. Is the organisation undergoing a culture change program, along with its attendant flux and anxiety?
Get FORMIUM® when faced with any of five realities. First, ‘performance-potential dichotomy’. Is your organisation performing below potential, despite high quality products and people? Second ‘modest velocity’. Are you struggling to get your organisation to drive imperatives and take decisions? Third ‘growth’. Are you in the midst of enthusiastic growth and investments? Fourth, ‘leadership change’. Have you witnessed changes in senior leadership and management styles? Fifth, ‘culture change’. Is the organisation undergoing a culture change program, along with its attendant flux and anxiety?

How does FORMIUM® work?

The design of FORMIUM® is based on its proprietary five-part framework called ‘Simplicity in Structures’. With FORMIUM®, you will undergo the four stages of ‘installation’, ‘engagement’, ‘analysis’ and ‘dissemination’ over a period of eight weeks. To install FORMIUM®, you will define instances and realities that indicate structural problems; establish the scope of the research exercise; and identify the primary respondents and secondary sources of inputs within your organisation. FORMIUM® will then engage with these inputs comprising organisation records and with respondents comprising a subset of employees from relevant organisation levels and functions. Analysis will be anchored to the proprietary framework, and will lead to in-depth communication materials for the organisation’s leadership.
FORMIUM® is designed based on our proprietary framework called ‘Simplicity in Structures’. The ‘installation’, ‘engagement’, ‘analysis’ and ‘dissemination’ phases will take place over eight weeks. To install, you will outline the symptoms that indicate structural problems in organisation; define the scope of research; and identify primary respondents and secondary input sources. FORMIUM® will then engage with these respondents and data sources. Analysis of primary and secondary data will be based on the proprietary framework, and will lead to the final output for the organisation’s leadership.
FORMIUM® is designed based on our proprietary framework called ‘Simplicity in Structures’. The ‘installation’, ‘engagement’, ‘analysis’ and ‘dissemination’ phases will take place over eight weeks. To install, you will outline the symptoms that indicate structural problems in organisation; define the scope of research; and identify primary respondents and secondary input sources. FORMIUM® will then engage with these respondents and data sources. Analysis of primary and secondary data will be based on the proprietary framework, and will lead to the final output for the organisation’s leadership.
FORMIUM® is designed based on our proprietary framework called ‘Simplicity in Structures’. The ‘installation’, ‘engagement’, ‘analysis’ and ‘dissemination’ phases will take place over eight weeks. To install, you will outline the symptoms that indicate structural problems in organisation; define the scope of research; and identify primary respondents and secondary input sources. FORMIUM® will then engage with these respondents and data sources. Analysis of primary and secondary data will be based on the proprietary framework, and will lead to the final output for the organisation’s leadership.
When during the operating year should you get FORMIUM®?
FORMIUM® is designed for biennial as well as episodic usage. FORMIUM® requires eight weeks to go through the ‘installing’, ‘engaging’, ‘analysing’ and ‘disseminating’ phases. When using FORMIUM® on a biennial calendar, the best time is the start of the operating year, for two reasons. First, it gives business leaders time to consider, decide, communicate and effect changes in organisation structure during the course of the year. Second, the timing of FORMIUM® output will be aligned with the budgeting cycle. As a result, the financial impact of resultant changes in structure will be incorporated into the budget. If you are using FORMIUM® episodically, we do not recommend a preferred timing. Rather, get FORMIUM® whenever you come face-to-face with any of the five realities mentioned earlier.
FORMIUM® is designed for biennial as well as episodic usage. The stages of ‘installing’, ‘engaging’, ‘analysing’ and ‘disseminating’ require eight weeks. When using biennially, we recommend product usage at the beginning of the operating year. Leaders then get time to consider, decide, communicate and effect changes in structure during the year. Also, the FORMIUM® output remains aligned with the budgeting process, and this helps incorporate the financial impact of structure changes. For episodic usage, get FORMIUM® whenever you come face-to-face with any of the five realities mentioned earlier.
FORMIUM® is designed for biennial as well as episodic usage. The stages of ‘installing’, ‘engaging’, ‘analysing’ and ‘disseminating’ require eight weeks. When using biennially, we recommend product usage at the beginning of the operating year. Leaders then get time to consider, decide, communicate and effect changes in structure during the year. Also, the FORMIUM® output remains aligned with the budgeting process, and this helps incorporate the financial impact of structure changes. For episodic usage, get FORMIUM® whenever you come face-to-face with any of the five realities mentioned earlier.
FORMIUM® is designed for biennial as well as episodic usage. The stages of ‘installing’, ‘engaging’, ‘analysing’ and ‘disseminating’ require eight weeks. When using biennially, we recommend product usage at the beginning of the operating year. Leaders then get time to consider, decide, communicate and effect changes in structure during the year. Also, the FORMIUM® output remains aligned with the budgeting process, and this helps incorporate the financial impact of structure changes. For episodic usage, get FORMIUM® whenever you come face-to-face with any of the five realities mentioned earlier.

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