What is CAREVAL®?

CAREVAL® provides an in-depth assessment of the appropriateness and adequacy of the hospital’s statements of mission, vision and values, and their level of integration with the strategy development process. CAREVAL® is based on our proprietary framework in the area of ‘hospital mission, vision, values and strategy’. CAREVAL® assesses the hospital’s goals and direction along the six criteria of aspiration, inspiration, congruence, cascadence, distinction and participation. In addition to the assessment of the content, CAREVAL® examines the periodic process followed by the hospital in affirming or modulating its mission and vision, reaffirming its values, and developing its strategy. CAREVAL® tests this process for participation, regularity, quality and creativity.
CAREVAL® provides an in-depth assessment of the adequacy of the hospital’s statements of mission, vision and values, and their level of integration with the hospital’s strategy. CAREVAL® is based on our proprietary framework, and assesses the hospital’s goals and direction along the six criteria of aspiration, inspiration, congruence, cascadence, distinction and participation. In addition, CAREVAL® examines the process followed by the hospital in modulating its mission, vision and values, and developing its strategy. CAREVAL® tests this process for participation, regularity, quality and creativity.
CAREVAL® provides an in-depth assessment of the adequacy of the hospital’s statements of mission, vision and values, and their level of integration with the hospital’s strategy. CAREVAL® is based on our proprietary framework, and assesses the hospital’s goals and direction along the six criteria of aspiration, inspiration, congruence, cascadence, distinction and participation. In addition, CAREVAL® examines the process followed by the hospital in modulating its mission, vision and values, and developing its strategy. CAREVAL® tests this process for participation, regularity, quality and creativity.
CAREVAL® provides an in-depth assessment of the adequacy of the hospital’s statements of mission, vision and values, and their level of integration with the hospital’s strategy. CAREVAL® is based on our proprietary framework, and assesses the hospital’s goals and direction along the six criteria of aspiration, inspiration, congruence, cascadence, distinction and participation. In addition, CAREVAL® examines the process followed by the hospital in modulating its mission, vision and values, and developing its strategy. CAREVAL® tests this process for participation, regularity, quality and creativity.
Why think "hospital vision & values"? Why get CAREVAL®?
The mission, vision, values and strategy of the hospital together constitute its direction. More often than not in hospitals, this direction is implicit, assumed and ambiguous. CAREVAL® brings the hospital’s direction in sharp focus, driven by several factors. The first factor is the evolving definition of care and healing. Ongoing research in healthcare and health systems lead to new concepts, which turns existing direction inadequate and even obsolete. Second factor is rising standards driven by steeper expectations from payors and governments. Third factor is rising competition in provider landscape, less in terms of new infrastructure, but more in terms of sophistication. Fourth factor is high employee turnover, leading to poor participation in setting direction, and poor adherence to it.
The mission, vision, values and strategy of the hospital constitute its direction. More often than not, this direction is implicit, assumed and ambiguous. Inspired by four factors, CAREVAL® brings direction of hospitals in sharp focus. First, the evolving definitions of care and healing, which can turn existing direction inadequate and obsolete. Second, the rising standards of care driven by steeper expectations from payors and governments. Third, the rising competition in the provider landscape. Fourth, the high employee turnover, leading to poor participation in the direction setting process.
The mission, vision, values and strategy of the hospital constitute its direction. More often than not, this direction is implicit, assumed and ambiguous. Inspired by four factors, CAREVAL® brings direction of hospitals in sharp focus. First, the evolving definitions of care and healing, which can turn existing direction inadequate and obsolete. Second, the rising standards of care driven by steeper expectations from payors and governments. Third, the rising competition in the provider landscape. Fourth, the high employee turnover, leading to poor participation in the direction setting process.
The mission, vision, values and strategy of the hospital constitute its direction. More often than not, this direction is implicit, assumed and ambiguous. Inspired by four factors, CAREVAL® brings direction of hospitals in sharp focus. First, the evolving definitions of care and healing, which can turn existing direction inadequate and obsolete. Second, the rising standards of care driven by steeper expectations from payors and governments. Third, the rising competition in the provider landscape. Fourth, the high employee turnover, leading to poor participation in the direction setting process.

Who will benefit from CAREVAL®?

The foremost beneficiary of CAREVAL® will be the hospital or medical institution. A robust direction through CAREVAL® will mean improved clinical outcomes, better patient experience, higher levels of job satisfaction, and a rise in operating and financial performance. Hospital leadership will benefit from a higher level of ease in directing individual employees, departments and the entire organisation. Clinical and support staff will benefit from a higher level of clarity on the goals and priorities of the hospital and their department. This in turn will enable them to translate these priorities into their own performance requirements. Even patients and their families and caregivers will benefit from the knowledge of the hospital’s goals and priorities, and get comfort and reassurance upon seeing these translated to caregiver actions.
The foremost beneficiary of CAREVAL® will be the hospital or medical institution. A robust direction through CAREVAL® will mean improved outcomes, better patient experience, higher job satisfaction, and a rise in operating and financial performance. Hospital leadership will benefit from greater ease in directing employees and departments. Clinical staff will benefit from greater clarity of goals, priorities and performance requirements. Patients and their families will benefit from knowing the hospital’s goals and priorities, and feel reassured upon seeing these translated to caregiver actions.
The foremost beneficiary of CAREVAL® will be the hospital or medical institution. A robust direction through CAREVAL® will mean improved outcomes, better patient experience, higher job satisfaction, and a rise in operating and financial performance. Hospital leadership will benefit from greater ease in directing employees and departments. Clinical staff will benefit from greater clarity of goals, priorities and performance requirements. Patients and their families will benefit from knowing the hospital’s goals and priorities, and feel reassured upon seeing these translated to caregiver actions.
The foremost beneficiary of CAREVAL® will be the hospital or medical institution. A robust direction through CAREVAL® will mean improved outcomes, better patient experience, higher job satisfaction, and a rise in operating and financial performance. Hospital leadership will benefit from greater ease in directing employees and departments. Clinical staff will benefit from greater clarity of goals, priorities and performance requirements. Patients and their families will benefit from knowing the hospital’s goals and priorities, and feel reassured upon seeing these translated to caregiver actions.
Where (in which settings) should you get CAREVAL®?
Get CAREVAL® for your hospital when you wrestle with any of the following seven questions. First, do you feel that your hospital’s direction should be more aspirational given its intrinsic potential? Second, are you concerned that your hospital’s mission and vision fail to inspire employees? Or that the hospital’s strategy suffers from poor comprehension, compliance and implementation? Third, do you worry that strategy is not entirely congruent with the mission, vision and values? Fourth, does the strategy not adequately cascade on to operating plans and financial budgets? Fifth, does the hospital suffer from a ‘me-too’ indistinct strategy? Sixth, do you worry that the strategy will not be adequate for a fast evolving future? Finally, is the strategy development process inadequate in terms of rigour, participation and creativity?
Get CAREVAL® for your hospital when you wrestle with any of the following seven questions. First, should your hospital’s direction be more aspirational? Second, are the mission and vision failing to inspire employees? Is the strategy lagging in comprehension and compliance? Third, is the strategy not congruent with the mission, vision and values? Fourth, is the strategy not cascading on to plans and budgets? Fifth, is the strategy ‘me-too’ and indistinct? Sixth, is the strategy not adequate for a fast evolving future? Seventh and finally, does strategy development lack rigour, participation and creativity?
Get CAREVAL® for your hospital when you wrestle with any of the following seven questions. First, should your hospital’s direction be more aspirational? Second, are the mission and vision failing to inspire employees? Is the strategy lagging in comprehension and compliance? Third, is the strategy not congruent with the mission, vision and values? Fourth, is the strategy not cascading on to plans and budgets? Fifth, is the strategy ‘me-too’ and indistinct? Sixth, is the strategy not adequate for a fast evolving future? Seventh and finally, does strategy development lack rigour, participation and creativity?
Get CAREVAL® for your hospital when you wrestle with any of the following seven questions. First, should your hospital’s direction be more aspirational? Second, are the mission and vision failing to inspire employees? Is the strategy lagging in comprehension and compliance? Third, is the strategy not congruent with the mission, vision and values? Fourth, is the strategy not cascading on to plans and budgets? Fifth, is the strategy ‘me-too’ and indistinct? Sixth, is the strategy not adequate for a fast evolving future? Seventh and finally, does strategy development lack rigour, participation and creativity?

How does CAREVAL® work?

CAREVAL® is designed for annual usage. While using CAREVAL®, you undergo the four stages of ‘installation’, ‘engagement’, ‘analysis’ and ‘dissemination’ over six weeks. While installing the product, you decide product scope by choosing the extent of involvement from the hospital organisation. Specifically, you decide input providers and responders at different levels (i.e., governance, overall leadership, departmental leadership, supervisory, staff level). You also provide the existing statements of mission, vision, values and strategy. CAREVAL® engages with these individuals to obtain inputs and feedback through a process of guided reflection. The final CAREVAL® output for hospital leadership includes the in-depth assessment of existing direction and a full set of possibilities for modifying direction.
CAREVAL® is designed for annual usage. With CAREVAL®, you will undergo ‘installation’, ‘engagement’, ‘analysis’ and ‘dissemination’ in six weeks. To install, you will decide research scope and responders at different levels (i.e., governance, overall leadership, departmental leadership, supervisory, staff level). You will also provide the existing statements of mission, vision, values and strategy. CAREVAL® will engage with responders to obtain inputs through a process of guided reflection. CAREVAL® output will include an in-depth assessment of existing direction and possibilities for future modification.
CAREVAL® is designed for annual usage. With CAREVAL®, you will undergo ‘installation’, ‘engagement’, ‘analysis’ and ‘dissemination’ in six weeks. To install, you will decide research scope and responders at different levels (i.e., governance, overall leadership, departmental leadership, supervisory, staff level). You will also provide the existing statements of mission, vision, values and strategy. CAREVAL® will engage with responders to obtain inputs through a process of guided reflection. CAREVAL® output will include an in-depth assessment of existing direction and possibilities for future modification.
CAREVAL® is designed for annual usage. With CAREVAL®, you will undergo ‘installation’, ‘engagement’, ‘analysis’ and ‘dissemination’ in six weeks. To install, you will decide research scope and responders at different levels (i.e., governance, overall leadership, departmental leadership, supervisory, staff level). You will also provide the existing statements of mission, vision, values and strategy. CAREVAL® will engage with responders to obtain inputs through a process of guided reflection. CAREVAL® output will include an in-depth assessment of existing direction and possibilities for future modification.
When during the financial year should you get CAREVAL®?
CAREVAL® is focused on the strategy development process, and hence also aligned to the operating planning and budgeting processes of the hospital. From start, CAREVAL® needs six weeks to go through the ‘installing’, ‘engaging’, ‘analysing’ and ‘disseminating’ phases. You can decide the timing for CAREVAL® depending on the specific context of your hospital. If your concern is primarily about the hospital’s mission, vision and values, and not about the strategy, then get CAREVAL® any time during the year. If you are using CAREVAL® to develop a new strategy, then again do not worry about timing. If you are using CAREVAL® to assess and refine an existing strategy, then align usage with the annual planning process. CAREVAL® output will have inputs and implications for annual plans and budgets.
CAREVAL® is focused on the strategy development process, and hence also aligned to the operating planning and budgeting processes. You can decide the timing for CAREVAL® depending on your specific context. If your focus is the hospital’s mission, vision and values, and not the strategy, then get CAREVAL® any time during the year. if you use CAREVAL® to develop a new strategy, then again do not worry about timing. To assess and refine an existing strategy, time CAREVAL® usage prior to the annual planning process. CAREVAL® output will have inputs and implications for annual plans and budgets.
CAREVAL® is focused on the strategy development process, and hence also aligned to the operating planning and budgeting processes. You can decide the timing for CAREVAL® depending on your specific context. If your focus is the hospital’s mission, vision and values, and not the strategy, then get CAREVAL® any time during the year. if you use CAREVAL® to develop a new strategy, then again do not worry about timing. To assess and refine an existing strategy, time CAREVAL® usage prior to the annual planning process. CAREVAL® output will have inputs and implications for annual plans and budgets.
CAREVAL® is focused on the strategy development process, and hence also aligned to the operating planning and budgeting processes. You can decide the timing for CAREVAL® depending on your specific context. If your focus is the hospital’s mission, vision and values, and not the strategy, then get CAREVAL® any time during the year. if you use CAREVAL® to develop a new strategy, then again do not worry about timing. To assess and refine an existing strategy, time CAREVAL® usage prior to the annual planning process. CAREVAL® output will have inputs and implications for annual plans and budgets.

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