What is COMPAR®?

COMPAR® is the comprehensive product for forging school-parent partnerships with the goal of enhancing parent engagement in student learning. The COMPAR® framework is designed along six dimensions of parent engagement: goals, preparedness, governance, opportunities, intent and commitment, and identity. COMPAR® enables school leadership to set goals for school-parent partnerships; assesses the preparedness of its teachers and staff to engage in such partnerships; identifies gaps in governance and planning with regards to parent engagement; outlines opportunities for parents to volunteer, engage and partner; understands the intent and level of commitment of parents; and importantly, identifies committed parent leader candidates and matches them to the identified opportunities.
COMPAR® is the comprehensive product for forging school-parent partnerships. The COMPAR® framework is based on six dimensions of parent engagement: goals, preparedness, governance, opportunities, intent and commitment, and identity. COMPAR® helps the leadership of the school set goals for school-parent partnerships; assesses the preparedness of teachers and staff to engage and involve parents; identifies gaps in governance with regards to parent engagement; outlines opportunities for parents to volunteer and partner; and identifies committed parent leader candidates and matches them to opportunities.
COMPAR® is the comprehensive product for forging school-parent partnerships. The COMPAR® framework is based on six dimensions of parent engagement: goals, preparedness, governance, opportunities, intent and commitment, and identity. COMPAR® helps the leadership of the school set goals for school-parent partnerships; assesses the preparedness of teachers and staff to engage and involve parents; identifies gaps in governance with regards to parent engagement; outlines opportunities for parents to volunteer and partner; and identifies committed parent leader candidates and matches them to opportunities.
COMPAR® is the comprehensive product for forging school-parent partnerships. The COMPAR® framework is based on six dimensions of parent engagement: goals, preparedness, governance, opportunities, intent and commitment, and identity. COMPAR® helps the leadership of the school set goals for school-parent partnerships; assesses the preparedness of teachers and staff to engage and involve parents; identifies gaps in governance with regards to parent engagement; outlines opportunities for parents to volunteer and partner; and identifies committed parent leader candidates and matches them to opportunities.
Why worry about "parent engagement"? Why get COMPAR®?
Research in the last four decades on agency in child learning has firmly established the importance of parent engagement and school-parent partnerships, and their impact on student outcomes. Yet, traditional barriers have held schools back from leveraging the agency of parents – the most notable of which is a form of school-parent disconnect. While schools feel that parents do not want to engage, the reality often is that parents do not know how to engage. Moreover, research shows that a sizeable proportion of educators and teachers identify parent interactions as a major source of stress at work. Nevertheless, with pressures rising to improve outcomes, school leadership will need parents as allies in learning. COMPAR® helps you convert the challenge of parent engagement into your school’s asset and differentiator.
Research in the last four decades on the topic of agency in child learning has established the importance of school-parent partnerships. Yet, traditional barriers have held schools back from leveraging the agency of parents. While schools feel that parents do not want to engage, the reality often is that parents do not know how to engage with the school. Moreover, research shows that teachers find parent interactions to be a major source of stress. With pressures on outcomes, school leadership will need parents as allies. COMPAR® converts the challenge of parent engagement into your school’s asset and differentiator.
Research in the last four decades on the topic of agency in child learning has established the importance of school-parent partnerships. Yet, traditional barriers have held schools back from leveraging the agency of parents. While schools feel that parents do not want to engage, the reality often is that parents do not know how to engage with the school. Moreover, research shows that teachers find parent interactions to be a major source of stress. With pressures on outcomes, school leadership will need parents as allies. COMPAR® converts the challenge of parent engagement into your school’s asset and differentiator.
Research in the last four decades on the topic of agency in child learning has established the importance of school-parent partnerships. Yet, traditional barriers have held schools back from leveraging the agency of parents. While schools feel that parents do not want to engage, the reality often is that parents do not know how to engage with the school. Moreover, research shows that teachers find parent interactions to be a major source of stress. With pressures on outcomes, school leadership will need parents as allies. COMPAR® converts the challenge of parent engagement into your school’s asset and differentiator.

Who will benefit from COMPAR®?

COMPAR® is designed primarily and ultimately to benefit students through enhanced learning and improved outcomes, by enabling the agency of parents and forging school-parent partnerships. In addition, COMPAR® leads to substantive benefits for other stakeholders as well. School leadership benefits in two ways: first, from being able to leverage the agency and leadership bandwidth of the parent community; and second, from being able to uphold the school as an exemplar in this regard, thereby differentiating the institution from peers. Beyond the immediate satisfaction of ‘being involved’, parents benefit from a better parenting experience. Teachers benefit from upskilling and a more fulfilling and well-rounded professional experience. The school itself becomes a more evolved and effective seat of learning.
COMPAR® is designed to benefit students through improved learning and outcomes, by enabling the agency of parents and activating school-parent partnerships. School leadership benefits in two ways: first, from being able to leverage the leadership of the parent community; and second, from being able to make the school an exemplar, thereby differentiating from peers. Beyond the satisfaction of ‘being involved’, parents benefit from a better parenting experience. Teachers benefit from upskilling and a more well-rounded professional experience. The school itself becomes a more evolved and effective seat of learning.
COMPAR® is designed to benefit students through improved learning and outcomes, by enabling the agency of parents and activating school-parent partnerships. School leadership benefits in two ways: first, from being able to leverage the leadership of the parent community; and second, from being able to make the school an exemplar, thereby differentiating from peers. Beyond the satisfaction of ‘being involved’, parents benefit from a better parenting experience. Teachers benefit from upskilling and a more well-rounded professional experience. The school itself becomes a more evolved and effective seat of learning.
COMPAR® is designed to benefit students through improved learning and outcomes, by enabling the agency of parents and activating school-parent partnerships. School leadership benefits in two ways: first, from being able to leverage the leadership of the parent community; and second, from being able to make the school an exemplar, thereby differentiating from peers. Beyond the satisfaction of ‘being involved’, parents benefit from a better parenting experience. Teachers benefit from upskilling and a more well-rounded professional experience. The school itself becomes a more evolved and effective seat of learning.
Where (in which settings) should you get COMPAR®?
Get COMPAR® if you are convinced of any one of the following five arguments. First is the ‘agency argument’. As an educator, you are a passionate advocate of parental agency and parent engagement in student learning. Second is the ‘partnership argument’. You believe that ‘school-parent partnerships’ have evolved to become a fundamental ingredient of schooling in these times. Third is the ‘intent argument’. Though the parent community may not be engaged to the fullest, you definitely sense their intent and latent commitment. Fourth is the ‘resource argument’. You feel that the parent community is possibly the most unutilised resource in a typical school system. Fifth, is the ‘differentiation argument’. You want to differentiate your school on this basis through interventions to move mindsets, governance and infrastructure.
Get COMPAR® if you are convinced of any one of five arguments. First is ‘agency argument’, when you are a passionate advocate of parental agency in student learning. Second is ‘partnership argument’, when you believe that ‘school-parent partnerships’ are a core ingredient of schooling in these times. Third is ‘intent argument’, when you sense latent commitment of the parent community to engage. Fourth is ‘resource argument', when this community is the most unutilised in schooling systems. Fifth, is ‘differentiation argument’, when your school wants to stand out based on parent engagement.
Get COMPAR® if you are convinced of any one of five arguments. First is ‘agency argument’, when you are a passionate advocate of parental agency in student learning. Second is ‘partnership argument’, when you believe that ‘school-parent partnerships’ are a core ingredient of schooling in these times. Third is ‘intent argument’, when you sense latent commitment of the parent community to engage. Fourth is ‘resource argument', when this community is the most unutilised in schooling systems. Fifth, is ‘differentiation argument’, when your school wants to stand out based on parent engagement.
Get COMPAR® if you are convinced of any one of five arguments. First is ‘agency argument’, when you are a passionate advocate of parental agency in student learning. Second is ‘partnership argument’, when you believe that ‘school-parent partnerships’ are a core ingredient of schooling in these times. Third is ‘intent argument’, when you sense latent commitment of the parent community to engage. Fourth is ‘resource argument', when this community is the most unutilised in schooling systems. Fifth, is ‘differentiation argument’, when your school wants to stand out based on parent engagement.

How does COMPAR® work?

COMPAR® is designed on the basis of our proprietary framework on ‘parental agency and engagement’ called ‘Forging Effective School-Parent Partnerships’. From the time you are ready to use COMPAR®, it goes through the four stages of ‘installation’, ‘engagement’, ‘analysis’ and ‘dissemination’ over six weeks. To install COMPAR®, the school leadership spells out the school-parent partnership goals, outlines an initial set of partnership opportunities, and identifies primary sources of inputs from within teachers, non-teaching staff and parents. COMPAR® then engages with school staff and parent community to obtain inputs. Statistical data analysis is based on the aforementioned framework. A comprehensive record of quantitative and qualitative findings is then prepared for the school leadership.
COMPAR® design is based on our proprietary framework called ‘Forging Effective School-Parent Partnerships’. With COMPAR®, you will undergo the four stages of ‘installation’, ‘engagement’, ‘analysis’ and ‘dissemination’ over six weeks. To install, you will outline school-parent partnership goals, partnership opportunities, and sources of research inputs. COMPAR® will engage with these resources including school staff and parents, through instruments designed for anonymity and objectivity. Statistical analysis will lead to in-depth findings and communication materials for the school leadership.
COMPAR® design is based on our proprietary framework called ‘Forging Effective School-Parent Partnerships’. With COMPAR®, you will undergo the four stages of ‘installation’, ‘engagement’, ‘analysis’ and ‘dissemination’ over six weeks. To install, you will outline school-parent partnership goals, partnership opportunities, and sources of research inputs. COMPAR® will engage with these resources including school staff and parents, through instruments designed for anonymity and objectivity. Statistical analysis will lead to in-depth findings and communication materials for the school leadership.
COMPAR® design is based on our proprietary framework called ‘Forging Effective School-Parent Partnerships’. With COMPAR®, you will undergo the four stages of ‘installation’, ‘engagement’, ‘analysis’ and ‘dissemination’ over six weeks. To install, you will outline school-parent partnership goals, partnership opportunities, and sources of research inputs. COMPAR® will engage with these resources including school staff and parents, through instruments designed for anonymity and objectivity. Statistical analysis will lead to in-depth findings and communication materials for the school leadership.
When during the academic term should you get COMPAR®?
COMPAR® requires a minimum time period of six weeks to go through the four stages of product delivery. The product output helps during the planning of the upcoming academic year. COMPAR® provides valuable and specific inputs for the school’s master schedule including parent-related events, parent-teacher interactions, areas of interest of volunteering parents, and the number and identity of these parent leaders. Hence, while COMPAR® can be used anytime during the academic year, we advise that you get it towards the end of the first term or the beginning of the second term. This timing works well with the overall planning cycle. The product output will be available in time to be incorporated into the development of the master schedule. We advise against getting COMPAR® during the summer break.
COMPAR® helps in planning the upcoming academic year through valuable and specific inputs for the school’s master schedule including parent-related events, parent-teacher interactions, volunteering parents, and their areas of interest. Hence, while COMPAR® can be used anytime during the academic year, we advise that you get it towards the end of the first term or the beginning of the second term. Such timing will work well with your overall planning cycle. The product output can be incorporated into the master schedule development. We advise against getting COMPAR® during the summer break.
COMPAR® helps in planning the upcoming academic year through valuable and specific inputs for the school’s master schedule including parent-related events, parent-teacher interactions, volunteering parents, and their areas of interest. Hence, while COMPAR® can be used anytime during the academic year, we advise that you get it towards the end of the first term or the beginning of the second term. Such timing will work well with your overall planning cycle. The product output can be incorporated into the master schedule development. We advise against getting COMPAR® during the summer break.
COMPAR® helps in planning the upcoming academic year through valuable and specific inputs for the school’s master schedule including parent-related events, parent-teacher interactions, volunteering parents, and their areas of interest. Hence, while COMPAR® can be used anytime during the academic year, we advise that you get it towards the end of the first term or the beginning of the second term. Such timing will work well with your overall planning cycle. The product output can be incorporated into the master schedule development. We advise against getting COMPAR® during the summer break.

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