What is EDUVIZ®?

EDUVIZ® helps develop new or assess existing vision statements for schools. Vision statements for schools need to go beyond being basic fact sheets on one hand, and high level statements of intent on the other. EDUVIZ® assesses school vision statements along four dimensions – ‘attributes and content’, ‘quality’, ‘usage and relevance’, ‘awareness and alignment’ – and their twenty constituent components. EDUVIZ® provides quantitative scores and qualitative assessments along the aforementioned dimensions. Principals, governors and broader school leadership get a holistic and nuanced assessment of existing vision statements, harvest valuable inputs from stakeholders on possible interventions, and are able to create a vision statement in collaborative fashion if none exist.
EDUVIZ® helps develop new or assess existing vision statements for schools. School vision statements need to go beyond being fact sheets on one hand, and statements of intent on the other. EDUVIZ® provides quantitative and qualitative assessments of school vision statements along four dimensions – ‘attributes and content’, ‘quality’, ‘usage and relevance’, ‘awareness and alignment’ – and their twenty constituent components. Principals and governors get a holistic and nuanced assessment, harvest inputs from stakeholders, and are able to create a vision statement in collaborative fashion.
EDUVIZ® helps develop new or assess existing vision statements for schools. School vision statements need to go beyond being fact sheets on one hand, and statements of intent on the other. EDUVIZ® provides quantitative and qualitative assessments of school vision statements along four dimensions – ‘attributes and content’, ‘quality’, ‘usage and relevance’, ‘awareness and alignment’ – and their twenty constituent components. Principals and governors get a holistic and nuanced assessment, harvest inputs from stakeholders, and are able to create a vision statement in collaborative fashion.
EDUVIZ® helps develop new or assess existing vision statements for schools. School vision statements need to go beyond being fact sheets on one hand, and statements of intent on the other. EDUVIZ® provides quantitative and qualitative assessments of school vision statements along four dimensions – ‘attributes and content’, ‘quality’, ‘usage and relevance’, ‘awareness and alignment’ – and their twenty constituent components. Principals and governors get a holistic and nuanced assessment, harvest inputs from stakeholders, and are able to create a vision statement in collaborative fashion.
Why worry about "school vision statement"? Why get EDUVIZ®?
Vision statements are not the sole privilege of for-profit organisations. Instead, they play a seminal role in the conceiving, functioning and furtherance of developmental organisations including educational institutions. A strong vision statement for a school will spell out the school’s purpose, long-term goals, educational values and pedagogic choices, thereby providing direction to core constituents such as teachers, parents and students. It also has the power to inspire, call to arms and mobilise people resources behind transformational initiatives. More important than all this, EDUVIZ® believes, is the vision statement’s power to integrate the major functions and departments in a school and align their efforts behind the school’s goals on student learning, student outcomes and community partnership.
Vision statements play a seminal role in the conceiving, functioning and furthering of educational institutions. A strong vision statement will spell out the school’s purpose, long-term goals, educational values and pedagogic choices, thereby providing direction to teachers, parents and students. It also has the power to inspire and mobilise people resources behind transformational initiatives within the educational institution. More important, EDUVIZ® believes, is the vision statement’s power to integrate school departments and align them behind the goals on student outcomes and community partnership.
Vision statements play a seminal role in the conceiving, functioning and furthering of educational institutions. A strong vision statement will spell out the school’s purpose, long-term goals, educational values and pedagogic choices, thereby providing direction to teachers, parents and students. It also has the power to inspire and mobilise people resources behind transformational initiatives within the educational institution. More important, EDUVIZ® believes, is the vision statement’s power to integrate school departments and align them behind the goals on student outcomes and community partnership.
Vision statements play a seminal role in the conceiving, functioning and furthering of educational institutions. A strong vision statement will spell out the school’s purpose, long-term goals, educational values and pedagogic choices, thereby providing direction to teachers, parents and students. It also has the power to inspire and mobilise people resources behind transformational initiatives within the educational institution. More important, EDUVIZ® believes, is the vision statement’s power to integrate school departments and align them behind the goals on student outcomes and community partnership.

Who will benefit from EDUVIZ®?

EDUVIZ® is designed to help all stakeholders in the school system. It helps principals and governors provide direction, decide on core competencies, and identify major initiatives. Principals get a robust assessment of the extent to which different constituents are informed of, understand and are aligned to the vision. EDUVIZ® output provides inputs to school leadership on the school’s annual plan and priorities. For teachers, EDUVIZ® acts as a stimulus for reflection on instruction plans, introspection on teaching styles, and creative generation of vision related ideas and implications. EDUVIZ® helps parents understand and buy into the school’s purpose, pedagogy and priorities. Importantly, EDUVIZ® is able to motivate students, and especially the senior ones, to achieve and exceed the stated student outcome goals.
EDUVIZ® is designed to help all stakeholders in the school system. It helps principals and governors decide direction, core competencies and major initiatives. EDUVIZ® output provides inputs to school leadership on the annual plan and priorities. For teachers, EDUVIZ® acts as a stimulus for reflection on instruction plans and teaching styles, and for creative generation of ideas and implications. EDUVIZ® helps parents understand and buy into the school’s purpose, pedagogy and priorities. Importantly, EDUVIZ® motivates senior students to achieve and exceed the stated student outcome goals.
EDUVIZ® is designed to help all stakeholders in the school system. It helps principals and governors decide direction, core competencies and major initiatives. EDUVIZ® output provides inputs to school leadership on the annual plan and priorities. For teachers, EDUVIZ® acts as a stimulus for reflection on instruction plans and teaching styles, and for creative generation of ideas and implications. EDUVIZ® helps parents understand and buy into the school’s purpose, pedagogy and priorities. Importantly, EDUVIZ® motivates senior students to achieve and exceed the stated student outcome goals.
EDUVIZ® is designed to help all stakeholders in the school system. It helps principals and governors decide direction, core competencies and major initiatives. EDUVIZ® output provides inputs to school leadership on the annual plan and priorities. For teachers, EDUVIZ® acts as a stimulus for reflection on instruction plans and teaching styles, and for creative generation of ideas and implications. EDUVIZ® helps parents understand and buy into the school’s purpose, pedagogy and priorities. Importantly, EDUVIZ® motivates senior students to achieve and exceed the stated student outcome goals.
Where (in which settings) should you get EDUVIZ®?
Get EDUVIZ® if you feel the need for one or more of five imperatives. First is the ‘direction imperative’. Does your school not have a vision statement? Or is your vision statement only implicitly held, and not explicitly spelled out, resulting in the lack of long-term direction? Second is the ‘specificity imperative’. Do you find the vision statement somewhat abstract and at a high level? Does one face difficulty in reaching specifics and drawing implications? Third is the ‘quality imperative’. While the vision statement might be specific, do you find it lacking in inspiration, choice-making and standard setting? Fourth is the ‘relevance imperative’. Has the vision statement being relegated to a relic and lacks real relevance? Fifth is the ‘alignment imperative’. Are stakeholders aligned behind and committed to the vision statement?
Get EDUVIZ® if you feel the need for any of five imperatives. First, ‘direction imperative’. Does your school not have a vision statement? Or is your vision statement implicit, and not explicitly spelled out? Second, ‘specificity imperative’. Is the vision statement abstract, making it difficult to reach specific conclusions and draw implications? Third, ‘quality imperative’. Is the vision lacking in inspiration, choice-making and standard setting? Fourth, ‘relevance imperative’. Is the vision like a relic that is lacking in relevance? Fifth, ‘alignment imperative’. Are stakeholders committed to the vision statement?
Get EDUVIZ® if you feel the need for any of five imperatives. First, ‘direction imperative’. Does your school not have a vision statement? Or is your vision statement implicit, and not explicitly spelled out? Second, ‘specificity imperative’. Is the vision statement abstract, making it difficult to reach specific conclusions and draw implications? Third, ‘quality imperative’. Is the vision lacking in inspiration, choice-making and standard setting? Fourth, ‘relevance imperative’. Is the vision like a relic that is lacking in relevance? Fifth, ‘alignment imperative’. Are stakeholders committed to the vision statement?
Get EDUVIZ® if you feel the need for any of five imperatives. First, ‘direction imperative’. Does your school not have a vision statement? Or is your vision statement implicit, and not explicitly spelled out? Second, ‘specificity imperative’. Is the vision statement abstract, making it difficult to reach specific conclusions and draw implications? Third, ‘quality imperative’. Is the vision lacking in inspiration, choice-making and standard setting? Fourth, ‘relevance imperative’. Is the vision like a relic that is lacking in relevance? Fifth, ‘alignment imperative’. Are stakeholders committed to the vision statement?

How does EDUVIZ® work?

The design of EDUVIZ® is based on our proprietary ‘AQUA framework’ for the development and assessment of ‘school vision statements’. With EDUVIZ®, you can complete the four stages of ‘installation’, ‘engagement’, ‘analysis’ and ‘dissemination’ within a period of three weeks. To install EDUVIZ®, you will input the existing vision statement and identify constituents within the school system who will provide inputs. EDUVIZ® will then engage with these constituents who will typically comprise governors and board members, school leadership, teachers, non-teaching staff, parents, a sub-set of students, and community partners. Inputs will be statistically analysed, quantitative and qualitative outputs structured around the AQUA framework, and in-depth assessment shared with the school leadership.
EDUVIZ® is designed based on our proprietary ‘AQUA framework’ for developing and assessing ‘school vision statements’. With EDUVIZ®, you complete the four stages of ‘installation’, ‘engagement’, ‘analysis’ and ‘dissemination’ in eight weeks. To install EDUVIZ®, you will outline the existing vision and select input providers. EDUVIZ® will engage with these constituents comprising governors, principals, school leadership, teachers, parents, senior students and community partners. Statistical analysis of inputs will lead to in-depth quantitative and qualitative outputs to be shared with school leadership.
EDUVIZ® is designed based on our proprietary ‘AQUA framework’ for developing and assessing ‘school vision statements’. With EDUVIZ®, you complete the four stages of ‘installation’, ‘engagement’, ‘analysis’ and ‘dissemination’ in eight weeks. To install EDUVIZ®, you will outline the existing vision and select input providers. EDUVIZ® will engage with these constituents comprising governors, principals, school leadership, teachers, parents, senior students and community partners. Statistical analysis of inputs will lead to in-depth quantitative and qualitative outputs to be shared with school leadership.
EDUVIZ® is designed based on our proprietary ‘AQUA framework’ for developing and assessing ‘school vision statements’. With EDUVIZ®, you complete the four stages of ‘installation’, ‘engagement’, ‘analysis’ and ‘dissemination’ in eight weeks. To install EDUVIZ®, you will outline the existing vision and select input providers. EDUVIZ® will engage with these constituents comprising governors, principals, school leadership, teachers, parents, senior students and community partners. Statistical analysis of inputs will lead to in-depth quantitative and qualitative outputs to be shared with school leadership.
When during the academic term should you get EDUVIZ®?
From the time you are ready to start, EDUVIZ® requires three weeks to go through the ‘installing’, ‘engaging’, ‘analysing’ and ‘disseminating’ phases. You can get EDUVIZ® at most times of the academic year and academic term. The product is designed in targeted fashion so as not to encroach into operational priorities and daily rhythm of the school. Getting EDUVIZ® early in the academic term has the advantage that stakeholders are not mentally burdened with accumulating curricular pressures. Getting EDUVIZ® towards the latter part of the academic term has the benefit of potentially greater engagement from constituents. We do not recommend getting EDUVIZ® during the summer break. The absence of regular school routine, we find, reduces the intensity of response and the opportunity for dialogue on the outcomes.
EDUVIZ® is designed to help all stakeholders in the school system. It helps principals and governors decide direction, core competencies and major initiatives. EDUVIZ® output provides inputs to school leadership on the annual plan and priorities. For teachers, EDUVIZ® acts as a stimulus for reflection on instruction plans and teaching styles, and for creative generation of ideas and implications. EDUVIZ® helps parents understand and buy into the school’s purpose, pedagogy and priorities. Importantly, EDUVIZ® motivates senior students to achieve and exceed the stated student outcome goals.
EDUVIZ® is designed to help all stakeholders in the school system. It helps principals and governors decide direction, core competencies and major initiatives. EDUVIZ® output provides inputs to school leadership on the annual plan and priorities. For teachers, EDUVIZ® acts as a stimulus for reflection on instruction plans and teaching styles, and for creative generation of ideas and implications. EDUVIZ® helps parents understand and buy into the school’s purpose, pedagogy and priorities. Importantly, EDUVIZ® motivates senior students to achieve and exceed the stated student outcome goals.
EDUVIZ® is designed to help all stakeholders in the school system. It helps principals and governors decide direction, core competencies and major initiatives. EDUVIZ® output provides inputs to school leadership on the annual plan and priorities. For teachers, EDUVIZ® acts as a stimulus for reflection on instruction plans and teaching styles, and for creative generation of ideas and implications. EDUVIZ® helps parents understand and buy into the school’s purpose, pedagogy and priorities. Importantly, EDUVIZ® motivates senior students to achieve and exceed the stated student outcome goals.

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