What is EVOLVAST®?

EVOLVAST® characterises the hospital’s commitment and ability to drive sustainability approaches in healthcare. Health systems are besieged with priorities that stretch resource limits. Current approaches cannot be sustained in major health systems without causing systems failure. Providers need to attune their service delivery and health promotion, and emphasise prevention in line with a systems view of provision. EVOLVAST® assesses in depth the hospital’s sustainability approaches by studying major initiatives, and outlines opportunities for financial, social and environmental resource optimisation. EVOLVAST® uses our proprietary framework on ‘sustainability approaches in care’ and assesses initiatives for goals, context, design, execution, control, financial impact and future fit.
EVOLVAST® assesses the hospital’s commitment and ability to drive sustainability approaches. Major health systems have stretched resource limits, leading to impending systems failure. Providers need to attune their delivery to a systems view, modify health promotion, and emphasise prevention. Based on our proprietary framework on ‘sustainability approaches in care’, EVOLVAST® assesses the hospital’s major initiatives for goals, context, design, execution, control, financial impact and future fit; and outlines opportunities for financial, social and environmental resource optimisation.
EVOLVAST® assesses the hospital’s commitment and ability to drive sustainability approaches. Major health systems have stretched resource limits, leading to impending systems failure. Providers need to attune their delivery to a systems view, modify health promotion, and emphasise prevention. Based on our proprietary framework on ‘sustainability approaches in care’, EVOLVAST® assesses the hospital’s major initiatives for goals, context, design, execution, control, financial impact and future fit; and outlines opportunities for financial, social and environmental resource optimisation.
EVOLVAST® assesses the hospital’s commitment and ability to drive sustainability approaches. Major health systems have stretched resource limits, leading to impending systems failure. Providers need to attune their delivery to a systems view, modify health promotion, and emphasise prevention. Based on our proprietary framework on ‘sustainability approaches in care’, EVOLVAST® assesses the hospital’s major initiatives for goals, context, design, execution, control, financial impact and future fit; and outlines opportunities for financial, social and environmental resource optimisation.
Why think "sustainable approaches"? Why get EVOLVAST®?
Sustainable change and sustainability approaches are intensely relevant given the accelerated dwindling of resources. Healthcare is among the sectors that face the threat of a systems failure, with most major health systems facing impossible challenges in achieving desired care outcomes. While action is needed at the overall health systems level, individual providers need to emphasise sustainability approaches within their organisations. The direct impact of the hospital’s sustainability initiatives will benefit most the hospital itself, while having knock-on benefits for the health system. With EVOLVAST®, your hospital can expect to achieve a greater prioritisation of initiatives, optimisation of costs, higher productivity of its care infrastructure, and higher employee satisfaction and retention.
Sustainable change and sustainability approaches are intensely relevant in healthcare given the accelerated dwindling of resources, the impending threat of a systems failure, and the impossible challenges in achieving desired care outcomes. While action is needed at the overall health systems level, individual providers need to emphasise sustainability approaches. This emphasis will benefit most the hospital itself. With EVOLVAST®, your hospital can prioritise initiatives and achieve higher productivity of infrastructure, cost optimisation and higher employee satisfaction and retention.
Sustainable change and sustainability approaches are intensely relevant in healthcare given the accelerated dwindling of resources, the impending threat of a systems failure, and the impossible challenges in achieving desired care outcomes. While action is needed at the overall health systems level, individual providers need to emphasise sustainability approaches. This emphasis will benefit most the hospital itself. With EVOLVAST®, your hospital can prioritise initiatives and achieve higher productivity of infrastructure, cost optimisation and higher employee satisfaction and retention.
Sustainable change and sustainability approaches are intensely relevant in healthcare given the accelerated dwindling of resources, the impending threat of a systems failure, and the impossible challenges in achieving desired care outcomes. While action is needed at the overall health systems level, individual providers need to emphasise sustainability approaches. This emphasis will benefit most the hospital itself. With EVOLVAST®, your hospital can prioritise initiatives and achieve higher productivity of infrastructure, cost optimisation and higher employee satisfaction and retention.

Who will benefit from EVOLVAST®?

The hospital benefits from EVOLVAST® in multiple ways. First, the hospital creates additional value through optimisation of financial, social and environmental resources. Second, EVOLVAST® no doubt leads to a paring down of initiatives, leading to greater ease in initiative management. Third, EVOLVAST® lends greater edge to the hospital’s strategy given its focus on long-term maximisation and short-term optimisation. Fourth, employees in general and clinical staff in specific benefit from greater focus, clearer direction and more meaning. Fifth, the hospital gets an opportunity to gear up ahead of sustainability approaches becoming a standard regulatory norm. Finally, EVOLVAST® provides a platform for enhancing the hospital’s reputation within the patient community and the payor network.
EVOLVAST® benefits in multiple ways. First, the hospital will optimise financial, social and environmental resources. Second, EVOLVAST® will pare down initiatives, leading to greater ease in their management. Third, EVOLVAST® will strengthen the hospital’s strategy given its focus on long-term maximisation and short-term optimisation. Fourth, nursing and clinical staff will benefit from focus, direction and meaning. Fifth, the hospital will gear up ahead of sustainability approaches becoming a regulatory norm. Finally, EVOLVAST® will provide a platform for enhancing reputation within the payor community.
EVOLVAST® benefits in multiple ways. First, the hospital will optimise financial, social and environmental resources. Second, EVOLVAST® will pare down initiatives, leading to greater ease in their management. Third, EVOLVAST® will strengthen the hospital’s strategy given its focus on long-term maximisation and short-term optimisation. Fourth, nursing and clinical staff will benefit from focus, direction and meaning. Fifth, the hospital will gear up ahead of sustainability approaches becoming a regulatory norm. Finally, EVOLVAST® will provide a platform for enhancing reputation within the payor community.
EVOLVAST® benefits in multiple ways. First, the hospital will optimise financial, social and environmental resources. Second, EVOLVAST® will pare down initiatives, leading to greater ease in their management. Third, EVOLVAST® will strengthen the hospital’s strategy given its focus on long-term maximisation and short-term optimisation. Fourth, nursing and clinical staff will benefit from focus, direction and meaning. Fifth, the hospital will gear up ahead of sustainability approaches becoming a regulatory norm. Finally, EVOLVAST® will provide a platform for enhancing reputation within the payor community.
Where (in which settings) should you get EVOLVAST®?
Get EVOLVAST® for your hospital if you notice any of four symptoms. First, ‘plethora of initiatives’. Is your hospital besieged with initiatives across departments and levels? Is ‘thousand initiatives culture’ creeping in? Second, ‘mediocrity of goals and minimisation of context’. Are the initiatives of indistinct impact and not juxtaposed against the organisational, people and external context of the hospital? In other words, are you being made to run harder to stay at the same place? Third, initiatives that are ‘designed-for-today’ and not fit for an evolving future. Fourth, ‘poor initiative execution and control’. Is there a feeling that with all these initiatives running, matters are going out of control? If you notice any of the above symptoms, chances are that you need sustainability approaches and should get EVOLVAST®.
Get EVOLVAST® if you notice any of four symptoms. First, the ‘plethora of initiatives’. Is your hospital besieged with initiatives? Do you notice a ‘thousand initiatives culture’ creeping in? Second, the ‘mediocrity of goals and minimisation of context’. Are the initiatives of indistinct impact and not juxtaposed against the hospital’s organisational, people and external context? In other words, are you running harder to stay at the same place? Third, ‘designed-for-today’ initiatives – not fit for an evolving future. Fourth, ‘poor execution and control’ – a feeling that matters are out of control.
Get EVOLVAST® if you notice any of four symptoms. First, the ‘plethora of initiatives’. Is your hospital besieged with initiatives? Do you notice a ‘thousand initiatives culture’ creeping in? Second, the ‘mediocrity of goals and minimisation of context’. Are the initiatives of indistinct impact and not juxtaposed against the hospital’s organisational, people and external context? In other words, are you running harder to stay at the same place? Third, ‘designed-for-today’ initiatives – not fit for an evolving future. Fourth, ‘poor execution and control’ – a feeling that matters are out of control.
Get EVOLVAST® if you notice any of four symptoms. First, the ‘plethora of initiatives’. Is your hospital besieged with initiatives? Do you notice a ‘thousand initiatives culture’ creeping in? Second, the ‘mediocrity of goals and minimisation of context’. Are the initiatives of indistinct impact and not juxtaposed against the hospital’s organisational, people and external context? In other words, are you running harder to stay at the same place? Third, ‘designed-for-today’ initiatives – not fit for an evolving future. Fourth, ‘poor execution and control’ – a feeling that matters are out of control.

How does EVOLVAST® work?

EVOLVAST® is a product designed for annual or biennial usage. With EVOLVAST®, you undergo the four stages of ‘installation’, ‘engagement’, ‘analysis’ and ‘dissemination’ over six weeks. To install EVOLVAST®, you identify initiatives that you want assessed and outline symptoms that you have observed. You also decide the input providers from employees related to the initiatives. EVOLVAST® then conducts the diagnostic by engaging with these individuals and studying the initiatives. Statistical analysis is based on the product’s framework. The final EVOLVAST® output shared with the hospital leadership includes a collective assessment of all initiatives, an enumeration of improvement opportunities, and specific ideas that the hospital can pursue for strengthening the higher cause of sustainability approaches.
EVOLVAST® is designed for annual or biennial usage. The four stages of ‘Installation’, ‘engagement’, ‘analysis’ and ‘dissemination’ take place over a period of six weeks. To install, you will identify initiatives for assessment, outline problematic symptoms and decide the input providers. EVOLVAST® will engage with responders and study the initiatives. Based on statistical analysis, the EVOLVAST® output shared with hospital leadership will include a collective assessment of all initiatives, an enumeration of improvement opportunities, and ideas in the pursuit of the higher cause of sustainability approaches.
EVOLVAST® is designed for annual or biennial usage. The four stages of ‘Installation’, ‘engagement’, ‘analysis’ and ‘dissemination’ take place over a period of six weeks. To install, you will identify initiatives for assessment, outline problematic symptoms and decide the input providers. EVOLVAST® will engage with responders and study the initiatives. Based on statistical analysis, the EVOLVAST® output shared with hospital leadership will include a collective assessment of all initiatives, an enumeration of improvement opportunities, and ideas in the pursuit of the higher cause of sustainability approaches.
EVOLVAST® is designed for annual or biennial usage. The four stages of ‘Installation’, ‘engagement’, ‘analysis’ and ‘dissemination’ take place over a period of six weeks. To install, you will identify initiatives for assessment, outline problematic symptoms and decide the input providers. EVOLVAST® will engage with responders and study the initiatives. Based on statistical analysis, the EVOLVAST® output shared with hospital leadership will include a collective assessment of all initiatives, an enumeration of improvement opportunities, and ideas in the pursuit of the higher cause of sustainability approaches.
When during the financial year should you get EVOLVAST®?
From start, EVOLVAST® requires six weeks for the ‘installing’, ‘engaging’, ‘analysing’ and ‘disseminating’ phases. Given the nature of the product and its impact, EVOLVAST® is designed to remain independent of other operating processes. Hence, there is no preferred timing for using EVOLVAST®. We suggest that you get EVOLVAST® whenever you notice any of the four symptoms mentioned above (i.e., ‘plethora of initiatives’, ‘mediocrity of goals’, ‘designed for today’, ‘poor execution and control’). The output of EVOLVAST® is likely to have material implications for the hospital’s strategy and budget. Hence, if planning and budgeting process is ongoing at the time of EVOLVAST® usage, make sure to create opportunities to factor in the inputs from EVOLVAST®.
EVOLVAST® is designed in a manner such that it remains independent of all operating processes within the hospital. Hence, there is no preferred timing for using EVOLVAST®. We suggest that you get EVOLVAST® whenever you notice any of the four symptoms mentioned above (i.e., ‘plethora of initiatives’, ‘mediocrity of goals’, ‘designed for today’, ‘poor execution and control’). However, if your hospital’s planning and budgeting process is ongoing at the time of EVOLVAST® usage, you should make sure to create opportunities to incorporate the EVOLVAST® output into the hospital’s plan and budget.
EVOLVAST® is designed in a manner such that it remains independent of all operating processes within the hospital. Hence, there is no preferred timing for using EVOLVAST®. We suggest that you get EVOLVAST® whenever you notice any of the four symptoms mentioned above (i.e., ‘plethora of initiatives’, ‘mediocrity of goals’, ‘designed for today’, ‘poor execution and control’). However, if your hospital’s planning and budgeting process is ongoing at the time of EVOLVAST® usage, you should make sure to create opportunities to incorporate the EVOLVAST® output into the hospital’s plan and budget.
EVOLVAST® is designed in a manner such that it remains independent of all operating processes within the hospital. Hence, there is no preferred timing for using EVOLVAST®. We suggest that you get EVOLVAST® whenever you notice any of the four symptoms mentioned above (i.e., ‘plethora of initiatives’, ‘mediocrity of goals’, ‘designed for today’, ‘poor execution and control’). However, if your hospital’s planning and budgeting process is ongoing at the time of EVOLVAST® usage, you should make sure to create opportunities to incorporate the EVOLVAST® output into the hospital’s plan and budget.

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