What is GUIDEN®?

Guiding the guest’s mind towards the positive aspects of her experience is an impactful marketing measure and enabler for creating happy customers. Getting the guest to be mindful of the moment as she savours the experience will naturally tilt the emphasis towards positives, leading to enhanced customer perceptions of your service operations and institution. GUIDEN® provides an assessment of the efficacy of your organisation in guiding customer experience. It assesses all experience types including ‘sensory’, ‘aesthetic’ and ‘achievement’. GUIDEN® identifies opportunities to guide guest experiences that occur in the present as well as ones that are slated for the future. GUIDEN® is underpinned by the conviction that “it is as impactful, if not more, to emphasise pleasant experiences as it is to mitigate unpleasant ones”.
Guiding the guest’s mind towards positive experiences is an impactful marketing measure. Getting the guest to be mindful of the moment as she savours the experience will tilt the emphasis towards positives, leading to enhanced perceptions of your service. GUIDEN® believes that “it is as impactful, if not more, to emphasise pleasant experiences as it is to mitigate unpleasant ones”. GUIDEN® measures your organisation’s efficacy in guiding ‘sensory’, ‘aesthetic’ and ‘achievement’ experiences of customers, and identifies such opportunities in the present as well as those slated for the future.
Guiding the guest’s mind towards positive experiences is an impactful marketing measure. Getting the guest to be mindful of the moment as she savours the experience will tilt the emphasis towards positives, leading to enhanced perceptions of your service. GUIDEN® believes that “it is as impactful, if not more, to emphasise pleasant experiences as it is to mitigate unpleasant ones”. GUIDEN® measures your organisation’s efficacy in guiding ‘sensory’, ‘aesthetic’ and ‘achievement’ experiences of customers, and identifies such opportunities in the present as well as those slated for the future.
Guiding the guest’s mind towards positive experiences is an impactful marketing measure. Getting the guest to be mindful of the moment as she savours the experience will tilt the emphasis towards positives, leading to enhanced perceptions of your service. GUIDEN® believes that “it is as impactful, if not more, to emphasise pleasant experiences as it is to mitigate unpleasant ones”. GUIDEN® measures your organisation’s efficacy in guiding ‘sensory’, ‘aesthetic’ and ‘achievement’ experiences of customers, and identifies such opportunities in the present as well as those slated for the future.
Why "guide guest experience"? Why get GUIDEN®?
Research as well as practical application has established that being mindful during moments of experiencing pleasure enhances the individual’s perception of the overall experience. Similarly, it is well accepted that positive anticipation of a future event enhances the quality of experience when the event comes to pass. GUIDEN® leverages these phenomena and enables hospitality institutions reap the full benefit from their service delivery work. GUIDEN® provides a candid picture of how good you are at leveraging the positive guest experiences that you generate, and identifies interventions linked to psychological signalling and messaging, creating anticipation, imagery creation and self-observation. Get GUIDEN® if your organisation does not generate customer goodwill commensurate with the good work it does.
Research has established that remaining mindful while experiencing pleasure enhances the perception of the overall experience. Similarly, it is well accepted that positive anticipation of a future event enhances the experience when the event comes to pass. Leveraging these phenomena, GUIDEN® provides a candid picture of your efficacy at leveraging positive guest experiences that you generate, and identifies interventions linked to psychological signalling, anticipation, imagery creation and self-observation. Get GUIDEN® if your organisation does not generate goodwill commensurate with its good work.
Research has established that remaining mindful while experiencing pleasure enhances the perception of the overall experience. Similarly, it is well accepted that positive anticipation of a future event enhances the experience when the event comes to pass. Leveraging these phenomena, GUIDEN® provides a candid picture of your efficacy at leveraging positive guest experiences that you generate, and identifies interventions linked to psychological signalling, anticipation, imagery creation and self-observation. Get GUIDEN® if your organisation does not generate goodwill commensurate with its good work.
Research has established that remaining mindful while experiencing pleasure enhances the perception of the overall experience. Similarly, it is well accepted that positive anticipation of a future event enhances the experience when the event comes to pass. Leveraging these phenomena, GUIDEN® provides a candid picture of your efficacy at leveraging positive guest experiences that you generate, and identifies interventions linked to psychological signalling, anticipation, imagery creation and self-observation. Get GUIDEN® if your organisation does not generate goodwill commensurate with its good work.

Who will benefit from GUIDEN®?

The foremost beneficiary of GUIDEN® is your guest customer. Your efforts to guide her experience amplifies levels of guest satisfaction and improves her positive feelings about the specific event. Ultimately, heightened guest satisfaction underpins the benefits that accrues to the organisation and the stakeholders within. The hospitality institution benefits from better customer perception of its service, and ultimately from greater customer retention and profitability. Frontline employees benefit from skill enhancement as they understand the strengths in their service delivery and learn how to amplify the positive experience. Managers and supervisors of customer facing departments benefit from enhanced service performance. The marketing department raises its performance through higher customer retention.
The most notable beneficiary of GUIDEN® will be your guest customer due to the amplified levels of satisfaction and her positive feelings about the specific event. The hospitality institution benefits from better customer perception of its service, and ultimately from greater customer retention and profitability that it enjoys. Frontline employees benefit from the skill enhancement as they learn how to amplify positive experiences. Managers of customer facing departments benefit from the resultant enhanced service performance. Marketing departments raise their performance through higher customer retention.
The most notable beneficiary of GUIDEN® will be your guest customer due to the amplified levels of satisfaction and her positive feelings about the specific event. The hospitality institution benefits from better customer perception of its service, and ultimately from greater customer retention and profitability that it enjoys. Frontline employees benefit from the skill enhancement as they learn how to amplify positive experiences. Managers of customer facing departments benefit from the resultant enhanced service performance. Marketing departments raise their performance through higher customer retention.
The most notable beneficiary of GUIDEN® will be your guest customer due to the amplified levels of satisfaction and her positive feelings about the specific event. The hospitality institution benefits from better customer perception of its service, and ultimately from greater customer retention and profitability that it enjoys. Frontline employees benefit from the skill enhancement as they learn how to amplify positive experiences. Managers of customer facing departments benefit from the resultant enhanced service performance. Marketing departments raise their performance through higher customer retention.
Where (in which settings) should you get GUIDEN®?
Get GUIDEN® if you encounter any of the following five questions. First, do you feel at risk of not being able to retain at least some of your regular customers? Has their commitment towards your institution declined over time? Second, have recent customer complaints sounded unreasonable and disproportionately high in decibel levels? Third, do you feel that your organisation is having to run harder to stay at the same place? In other words, is customer feedback not reflecting the high quality of service delivered? Fourth, are frontline employees not able to leverage their moments of success when they deliver exemplary service, and are failing to leave behind an indelible impression on the customer? Fifth, is your marketing department overly focused on mitigating weaknesses, and failing to leverage your strengths?
Get GUIDEN® if you encounter any of five questions. First, do you feel that your retention of regular customers is at risk? Has their commitment declined over time? Second, have recent customer complaints sounded unreasonable and unusually high in decibel levels? Third, is customer feedback not reflecting the high quality of service delivered? Fourth, are frontline employees not leveraging their moments of exemplary service, and failing to leave behind an indelible impression? Fifth, is your marketing overly focused on mitigating weaknesses, as opposed to leveraging your strengths?
Get GUIDEN® if you encounter any of five questions. First, do you feel that your retention of regular customers is at risk? Has their commitment declined over time? Second, have recent customer complaints sounded unreasonable and unusually high in decibel levels? Third, is customer feedback not reflecting the high quality of service delivered? Fourth, are frontline employees not leveraging their moments of exemplary service, and failing to leave behind an indelible impression? Fifth, is your marketing overly focused on mitigating weaknesses, as opposed to leveraging your strengths?
Get GUIDEN® if you encounter any of five questions. First, do you feel that your retention of regular customers is at risk? Has their commitment declined over time? Second, have recent customer complaints sounded unreasonable and unusually high in decibel levels? Third, is customer feedback not reflecting the high quality of service delivered? Fourth, are frontline employees not leveraging their moments of exemplary service, and failing to leave behind an indelible impression? Fifth, is your marketing overly focused on mitigating weaknesses, as opposed to leveraging your strengths?

How does GUIDEN® work?

GUIDEN® is designed for annual usage. While using GUIDEN®, you will undergo the four stages of ‘installation’, ‘engagement’, ‘analysis’ and ‘dissemination’ over six weeks. While installing the product, you will make available data concerning service standards, incidents of service delight and failure, and customer observations. In addition, you will identify respondents from within your organisation and your customer community. GUIDEN® will then engage with the respondents with specialised instruments and help them undergo a process of guided reflection. The GUIDEN® report will include an assessment of the efficacy of frontline and marketing departments in guiding guest experiences, as well as a portfolio of ideas for interventions to guide experiences in the present as well as the future.
GUIDEN® is designed for annual usage. ‘Installation’, ‘engagement’, ‘analysis’ and ‘dissemination’ takes place over six weeks. To install, you will provide data on service standards and incidents of service delight and failure. You will identify respondents in your organisation and the customer community. GUIDEN® will engage with the respondents and help them undergo a process of guided reflection. The GUIDEN® output will include an assessment of the capabilities of frontline and marketing departments in guiding guest experiences, as well as a portfolio of ideas for current and future interventions.
GUIDEN® is designed for annual usage. ‘Installation’, ‘engagement’, ‘analysis’ and ‘dissemination’ takes place over six weeks. To install, you will provide data on service standards and incidents of service delight and failure. You will identify respondents in your organisation and the customer community. GUIDEN® will engage with the respondents and help them undergo a process of guided reflection. The GUIDEN® output will include an assessment of the capabilities of frontline and marketing departments in guiding guest experiences, as well as a portfolio of ideas for current and future interventions.
GUIDEN® is designed for annual usage. ‘Installation’, ‘engagement’, ‘analysis’ and ‘dissemination’ takes place over six weeks. To install, you will provide data on service standards and incidents of service delight and failure. You will identify respondents in your organisation and the customer community. GUIDEN® will engage with the respondents and help them undergo a process of guided reflection. The GUIDEN® output will include an assessment of the capabilities of frontline and marketing departments in guiding guest experiences, as well as a portfolio of ideas for current and future interventions.
When during the financial year should you get GUIDEN®?
From start, GUIDEN® needs six weeks to go through the ‘installing’, ‘engaging’, ‘analysing’ and ‘disseminating’ phases. GUIDEN® has implications on the marketing plan and the training content of frontline and guest-facing employees. Hence, it is beneficial to align GUIDEN® with the marketing plan development and training processes. We recommend that you use GUIDEN® before starting the marketing planning process. The output from GUIDEN® will serve as inputs to the marketing plan, and can have strong influence on the emphasis of marketing strategy and the nature of marketing tactics. Similarly, the interventions suggested by GUIDEN® will serve as content for the training of frontline staff, specifically with regards to the ‘who’, ‘what’, ‘when’ and ‘how’ of the art of ‘guiding guest experiences’.
GUIDEN® has implications on the marketing plan and the training content of frontline employees. It is beneficial to align GUIDEN® with the marketing plan development and training processes. We recommend that you use GUIDEN® before starting the marketing planning process. The output will serve as inputs to the marketing plan, and have strong influence on the emphasis of marketing strategy and tactics. Similarly, the output from GUIDEN® will influence the training of frontline staff, specifically with regards to the ‘who’, ‘what’, ‘when’ and ‘how’ of ‘guiding guest experiences’.
GUIDEN® has implications on the marketing plan and the training content of frontline employees. It is beneficial to align GUIDEN® with the marketing plan development and training processes. We recommend that you use GUIDEN® before starting the marketing planning process. The output will serve as inputs to the marketing plan, and have strong influence on the emphasis of marketing strategy and tactics. Similarly, the output from GUIDEN® will influence the training of frontline staff, specifically with regards to the ‘who’, ‘what’, ‘when’ and ‘how’ of ‘guiding guest experiences’.
GUIDEN® has implications on the marketing plan and the training content of frontline employees. It is beneficial to align GUIDEN® with the marketing plan development and training processes. We recommend that you use GUIDEN® before starting the marketing planning process. The output will serve as inputs to the marketing plan, and have strong influence on the emphasis of marketing strategy and tactics. Similarly, the output from GUIDEN® will influence the training of frontline staff, specifically with regards to the ‘who’, ‘what’, ‘when’ and ‘how’ of ‘guiding guest experiences’.

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