What is TOLEAD®?

TOLEAD® enables principals to leverage and utilise teacher resources for better functioning and improved performance of the school system. It will help you identify leadership opportunities for teachers beyond conducting exceptional classroom work, which could be either conducted informally or assigned formally. The opportunity set will include ‘teacher leader activities’ that may be overlooked or deemphasised in your school today, and will span a wide range of six opportunity categories. In addition, TOLEAD® will profile your teachers by creating ‘teacher leader profiles’ that will be based on their preferences, inclinations, aspirations and experiences. Finally, TOLEAD® will offer suggestions on the fit between ‘teacher leader opportunities’ and the ‘teacher leader profiles’, that you can consider and act upon.
TOLEAD® enables principals to utilise teacher resources for improved functioning and performance of the school system. It helps identify leadership opportunities for teachers beyond exceptional classroom work. The opportunity set includes ‘teacher leader activities’ that may be overlooked today, and spans a range of six opportunity categories. TOLEAD® also profiles your teachers by creating ‘teacher leader profiles’ based on inclinations, aspirations and experiences. Finally, TOLEAD® will offer you suggestions on the fit between ‘teacher leader opportunities’ and the ‘teacher leader profiles’.
TOLEAD® enables principals to utilise teacher resources for improved functioning and performance of the school system. It helps identify leadership opportunities for teachers beyond exceptional classroom work. The opportunity set includes ‘teacher leader activities’ that may be overlooked today, and spans a range of six opportunity categories. TOLEAD® also profiles your teachers by creating ‘teacher leader profiles’ based on inclinations, aspirations and experiences. Finally, TOLEAD® will offer you suggestions on the fit between ‘teacher leader opportunities’ and the ‘teacher leader profiles’.
TOLEAD® enables principals to utilise teacher resources for improved functioning and performance of the school system. It helps identify leadership opportunities for teachers beyond exceptional classroom work. The opportunity set includes ‘teacher leader activities’ that may be overlooked today, and spans a range of six opportunity categories. TOLEAD® also profiles your teachers by creating ‘teacher leader profiles’ based on inclinations, aspirations and experiences. Finally, TOLEAD® will offer you suggestions on the fit between ‘teacher leader opportunities’ and the ‘teacher leader profiles’.
Why worry about "teacher leaders"? Why get TOLEAD®?
Your teachers need to go beyond being ‘classroom educators’. They need to take on administrative roles outside of their classrooms to assist in the functioning of the school system. This imperative is now critical due to several factors. Running a school has never been this demanding, causing you to need help of high quality. Your teachers are your most valuable and dynamic resources. The challenge is to motivate and galvanise them into undertaking ‘teacher leader’ roles. TOLEAD® allows you to identify a full set of ‘teacher leader’ roles in bottom-up fashion, and provides you with a ready-reckoner of which teacher you can turn to for which role. In addition, TOLEAD® helps you get committed teachers who are now motivated through these additional professional development opportunities.
Your teachers need to go beyond being ‘classroom educators’ and take on administrative roles beyond their good work in the classrooms. Running a school has never been this demanding, and you need help of high quality. Teachers are your most valuable and dynamic resources. The challenge is to motivate and galvanise them into undertaking ‘teacher leader’ roles. TOLEAD® identifies a full set of ‘teacher leader’ roles, and provides you with a ready-reckoner of which teacher you can turn to for which role. TOLEAD® helps you get teachers who are motivated through professional development opportunities that you create.
Your teachers need to go beyond being ‘classroom educators’ and take on administrative roles beyond their good work in the classrooms. Running a school has never been this demanding, and you need help of high quality. Teachers are your most valuable and dynamic resources. The challenge is to motivate and galvanise them into undertaking ‘teacher leader’ roles. TOLEAD® identifies a full set of ‘teacher leader’ roles, and provides you with a ready-reckoner of which teacher you can turn to for which role. TOLEAD® helps you get teachers who are motivated through professional development opportunities that you create.
Your teachers need to go beyond being ‘classroom educators’ and take on administrative roles beyond their good work in the classrooms. Running a school has never been this demanding, and you need help of high quality. Teachers are your most valuable and dynamic resources. The challenge is to motivate and galvanise them into undertaking ‘teacher leader’ roles. TOLEAD® identifies a full set of ‘teacher leader’ roles, and provides you with a ready-reckoner of which teacher you can turn to for which role. TOLEAD® helps you get teachers who are motivated through professional development opportunities that you create.

Who will benefit from TOLEAD®?

TOLEAD® benefits the entire school system through the addition of high quality and committed teacher leadership. Commitment is assured given the fact that TOLEAD® matches teachers to ‘teacher leader opportunities’ on the basis of their interests, inclinations and aspirations. Principals and school leadership benefit by being able to get more done with existing resources. You are now able to manage teacher motivations and expectations with greater clarity and deftness. Students benefit indirectly but significantly through an enhanced schooling experience and the additional nurturance they receive from teachers. Finally, and most notably, teachers cherish and benefit from TOLEAD® due to the creation of professional development opportunities and work profiles that are more fulfilling and well rounded.
TOLEAD® benefits the entire school system through the addition of high quality and committed teacher leadership. Principals and school leadership benefit by getting more done with the existing teacher resources and by managing teacher motivations and expectations with deftness. Students benefit significantly through an enhanced schooling experience and from the additional nurturance that they receive from teachers. Most notably, teachers cherish and benefit from TOLEAD® due to the creation of professional development opportunities and work profiles that are more fulfilling and well rounded.
TOLEAD® benefits the entire school system through the addition of high quality and committed teacher leadership. Principals and school leadership benefit by getting more done with the existing teacher resources and by managing teacher motivations and expectations with deftness. Students benefit significantly through an enhanced schooling experience and from the additional nurturance that they receive from teachers. Most notably, teachers cherish and benefit from TOLEAD® due to the creation of professional development opportunities and work profiles that are more fulfilling and well rounded.
TOLEAD® benefits the entire school system through the addition of high quality and committed teacher leadership. Principals and school leadership benefit by getting more done with the existing teacher resources and by managing teacher motivations and expectations with deftness. Students benefit significantly through an enhanced schooling experience and from the additional nurturance that they receive from teachers. Most notably, teachers cherish and benefit from TOLEAD® due to the creation of professional development opportunities and work profiles that are more fulfilling and well rounded.
Where (in which settings) should you get TOLEAD®?
Get TOLEAD® if you encounter one or more of four indicators. First is the ‘priority indicator’. Is your school overrun with priorities that are increasingly becoming unmanageable? Have you seen things falling through the cracks despite the best efforts of your teachers? Second is the ‘teacher profile indicator’. Do you feel that you have enough teachers, but that they mostly are of the ‘classroom educator’ profile? Have you had difficulty thinking of suitable candidates for ‘out of classroom’ leadership roles? Third is the ‘motivation indicator’. Do you believe that professional development of your teachers has slowed down impacting their motivation? Fourth is the ‘school profile indicator’. Has your school struggled to create a profile in areas beyond academics due to the absence of ‘teacher leaders’ that can lead the way?
Get TOLEAD® if you encounter any of the following four indicators. First, ‘priority indicator’: is your school overrun with priorities that are increasingly becoming unmanageable? Second, ‘teacher profile indicator’: are your teachers mostly of the ‘classroom educator’ profile? Do you have difficulty finding suitable candidates for ‘out of classroom’ leadership roles? Third, ‘motivation indicator’: has professional development of teachers slowed down visibly? Fourth, ‘school profile indicator’: has your school struggled to create a profile in areas beyond academics due to a paucity of ‘teacher leaders’ who can lead the way?
Get TOLEAD® if you encounter any of the following four indicators. First, ‘priority indicator’: is your school overrun with priorities that are increasingly becoming unmanageable? Second, ‘teacher profile indicator’: are your teachers mostly of the ‘classroom educator’ profile? Do you have difficulty finding suitable candidates for ‘out of classroom’ leadership roles? Third, ‘motivation indicator’: has professional development of teachers slowed down visibly? Fourth, ‘school profile indicator’: has your school struggled to create a profile in areas beyond academics due to a paucity of ‘teacher leaders’ who can lead the way?
Get TOLEAD® if you encounter any of the following four indicators. First, ‘priority indicator’: is your school overrun with priorities that are increasingly becoming unmanageable? Second, ‘teacher profile indicator’: are your teachers mostly of the ‘classroom educator’ profile? Do you have difficulty finding suitable candidates for ‘out of classroom’ leadership roles? Third, ‘motivation indicator’: has professional development of teachers slowed down visibly? Fourth, ‘school profile indicator’: has your school struggled to create a profile in areas beyond academics due to a paucity of ‘teacher leaders’ who can lead the way?

How does TOLEAD® work?

TOLEAD® design is based on its proprietary three-module framework. The first module identifies ‘teacher leadership roles’ that the school needs to add. These include roles needed today as well as ones that are needed in the near future given shifting context, environment and priorities. The second module outlines ‘teacher leader profiles’ of teachers nominated for the exercise. These profiles are built on the basis of interests, inclinations, aspirations and experiences. The third module suggests a fit between roles and teachers. TOLEAD® groups ‘teacher leader roles’ in six categories – ‘content leadership’, ‘delivery leadership’, ‘development leadership’, ‘administrative leadership’, ‘transformative leadership’ and ‘community leadership’. TOLEAD® generates outputs within six weeks.
TOLEAD® design is based on our proprietary three-module framework. The first module identifies ‘teacher leadership roles’ given shifting context, environment and priorities. The second module outlines ‘teacher leader profiles’ of nominated teachers, on the basis of inclinations, aspirations and experiences. The third module suggests fit between teachers and roles. TOLEAD® generates six types of ‘teacher leader roles’ – ‘content leaders’, ‘delivery leaders’, ‘development leaders’, ‘administrative leaders’, ‘transformative leaders’ and ‘community leaders’. TOLEAD® generates outputs in six weeks.
TOLEAD® design is based on our proprietary three-module framework. The first module identifies ‘teacher leadership roles’ given shifting context, environment and priorities. The second module outlines ‘teacher leader profiles’ of nominated teachers, on the basis of inclinations, aspirations and experiences. The third module suggests fit between teachers and roles. TOLEAD® generates six types of ‘teacher leader roles’ – ‘content leaders’, ‘delivery leaders’, ‘development leaders’, ‘administrative leaders’, ‘transformative leaders’ and ‘community leaders’. TOLEAD® generates outputs in six weeks.
TOLEAD® design is based on our proprietary three-module framework. The first module identifies ‘teacher leadership roles’ given shifting context, environment and priorities. The second module outlines ‘teacher leader profiles’ of nominated teachers, on the basis of inclinations, aspirations and experiences. The third module suggests fit between teachers and roles. TOLEAD® generates six types of ‘teacher leader roles’ – ‘content leaders’, ‘delivery leaders’, ‘development leaders’, ‘administrative leaders’, ‘transformative leaders’ and ‘community leaders’. TOLEAD® generates outputs in six weeks.
When during the academic term should you get TOLEAD®?
From the time you are ready to start, TOLEAD® requires six weeks to go through the ‘installing’, ‘engaging’, ‘analysing’ and ‘disseminating’ phases. While you can get TOLEAD® any time during the year, schools find it beneficial to use the product during the beginning or middle of the first term. If the product output can be obtained by end of October, then the principal and school leadership will obtain valuable inputs for the master schedule for the next year. The assumption is that the preparation of the master schedule begins as early as January. In this scenario, the principal gets two months to reassess priorities by including the additional ‘teacher leader activities’ that TOLEAD® has identified, and fortify resources by simply deciding to nominate a larger number of ‘teacher leaders’ whom TOLEAD® has profiled.
While you can get TOLEAD® any time during the year, schools find it beneficial to use the product during the beginning or middle of the first term. If the product output can be obtained by end of October, then the principal will obtain valuable inputs for the master schedule for the next year. The assumption is that the master schedule preparation begins as early as January. In this scenario, TOLEAD® gives the principal two months to reassess priorities by identifying ‘teacher leader activities’, and fortify resources by nominating a larger number of ‘teacher leaders’ whom TOLEAD® has profiled.
While you can get TOLEAD® any time during the year, schools find it beneficial to use the product during the beginning or middle of the first term. If the product output can be obtained by end of October, then the principal will obtain valuable inputs for the master schedule for the next year. The assumption is that the master schedule preparation begins as early as January. In this scenario, TOLEAD® gives the principal two months to reassess priorities by identifying ‘teacher leader activities’, and fortify resources by nominating a larger number of ‘teacher leaders’ whom TOLEAD® has profiled.
While you can get TOLEAD® any time during the year, schools find it beneficial to use the product during the beginning or middle of the first term. If the product output can be obtained by end of October, then the principal will obtain valuable inputs for the master schedule for the next year. The assumption is that the master schedule preparation begins as early as January. In this scenario, TOLEAD® gives the principal two months to reassess priorities by identifying ‘teacher leader activities’, and fortify resources by nominating a larger number of ‘teacher leaders’ whom TOLEAD® has profiled.

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