EUDAEVIRON® characterises the hospital’s environment and outlines the extent to which it catalyses holistic healing. EUDAEVIRON® is inspired by ‘Eudaimonia’ – the contented state of being in health, happiness and prosperity. The philosophy underpinning EUDAEVIRON® identifies ‘personal happiness’ of the patient as medical treatment's central goal. EUDAEVIRON® profiles the hospital’s impact on patient environment along five dimensions (i.e., internal, ‘carative’, curative, social, and physical) and their nineteen components. It portrays in depth the hospital environment’s abilities to therapeutically nurture, the alignment of five environmental dimensions to the goal of healing and ‘eudaimonia’, and the extent to which the environment helps the hospital achieve its patient outcome goals.
EUDAEVIRON® characterises the hospital’s environment and its role in catalysing holistic healing. EUDAEVIRON® is inspired by ‘Eudaimonia’ – the contented state of being in health, happiness and prosperity. EUDAEVIRON®’s philosophy identifies ‘personal happiness’ as the central goal of medical treatment. EUDAEVIRON® profiles the hospital’s environment along five dimensions (i.e., internal, ‘carative’, curative, social, and physical) and their nineteen components. It assesses the impact of the patient environment on the hospital’s goals of patient outcomes, healing and ‘eudaimonia’.
EUDAEVIRON® characterises the hospital’s environment and its role in catalysing holistic healing. EUDAEVIRON® is inspired by ‘Eudaimonia’ – the contented state of being in health, happiness and prosperity. EUDAEVIRON®’s philosophy identifies ‘personal happiness’ as the central goal of medical treatment. EUDAEVIRON® profiles the hospital’s environment along five dimensions (i.e., internal, ‘carative’, curative, social, and physical) and their nineteen components. It assesses the impact of the patient environment on the hospital’s goals of patient outcomes, healing and ‘eudaimonia’.
EUDAEVIRON® characterises the hospital’s environment and its role in catalysing holistic healing. EUDAEVIRON® is inspired by ‘Eudaimonia’ – the contented state of being in health, happiness and prosperity. EUDAEVIRON®’s philosophy identifies ‘personal happiness’ as the central goal of medical treatment. EUDAEVIRON® profiles the hospital’s environment along five dimensions (i.e., internal, ‘carative’, curative, social, and physical) and their nineteen components. It assesses the impact of the patient environment on the hospital’s goals of patient outcomes, healing and ‘eudaimonia’.
Why think "hospital environment"? Why get EUDAEVIRON®?
Research during the last century on the human condition on one hand, and care and healing on the other, have led to evolved views on what constitutes good health and how therapeutic nurturing can restore good health. In the process, the foremost idea to be revived was the ancient Greek concept of ‘eudaimonia’. Other powerful concepts that leading hospitals and care institutions aim for include ‘patient centricity’ in care and ‘integrative care’ through a synergy of wholeness, healing and caring. EUDAEVIRON® believes that patient’s interactions with her care environment are the primary enablers of the exalted goals of personal happiness and holistic healing. No wonder then that hospital administrators and leaders lay such strong emphasis on the creation of a therapeutically nurturing environment.
Research during the last century on the topic of the human condition have led to evolved views on how therapeutic nurturing can restore good health. The foremost idea revived was the ancient Greek concept of ‘eudaimonia’. Other powerful concepts now include ‘patient centricity’ in care and ‘integrative care’ through a synergy of wholeness, healing and caring. EUDAEVIRON® holds that the patient’s care environment is the primary enabler of personal happiness and holistic healing. No wonder then that hospital administrators lay such strong emphasis on therapeutically nurturing environments.
Research during the last century on the topic of the human condition have led to evolved views on how therapeutic nurturing can restore good health. The foremost idea revived was the ancient Greek concept of ‘eudaimonia’. Other powerful concepts now include ‘patient centricity’ in care and ‘integrative care’ through a synergy of wholeness, healing and caring. EUDAEVIRON® holds that the patient’s care environment is the primary enabler of personal happiness and holistic healing. No wonder then that hospital administrators lay such strong emphasis on therapeutically nurturing environments.
Research during the last century on the topic of the human condition have led to evolved views on how therapeutic nurturing can restore good health. The foremost idea revived was the ancient Greek concept of ‘eudaimonia’. Other powerful concepts now include ‘patient centricity’ in care and ‘integrative care’ through a synergy of wholeness, healing and caring. EUDAEVIRON® holds that the patient’s care environment is the primary enabler of personal happiness and holistic healing. No wonder then that hospital administrators lay such strong emphasis on therapeutically nurturing environments.

Who will benefit from EUDAEVIRON®?

Patients and their families and caregivers are biggest beneficiaries of EUDAEVIRON®. Nurturing environments enable holistic healing of the patient encompassing her body, mind and spirit. The hospital institution is the other major beneficiary. A nurturing environment allows for enhanced patient outcomes and goes a long way in strengthening the hospital’s reach and reputation. Hospital leaders and administrators benefit from the top-down view of the environment which helps them in prioritising corrective initiatives. EUDAEVIRON® also helps prioritise across initiatives in the different areas of care, thereby optimising costs and financial outlay. Finally, care givers and clinical staff benefit professionally from the improvement suggestions outlined in the EUDAEVIRON® output.
Patients and their families and caregivers are the biggest beneficiaries of EUDAEVIRON®. A nurturing environment enables holistic healing encompassing body, mind and spirit. The hospital organisation is the other major beneficiary. A nurturing environment allows for enhanced patient outcomes and greatly helps strengthen reach and reputation. Hospital administrators benefit from the top-down view of the environment and are able to prioritise corrective initiatives, thereby optimising costs. Finally, clinical staff benefit professionally from improvement suggestions outlined by EUDAEVIRON®.
Patients and their families and caregivers are the biggest beneficiaries of EUDAEVIRON®. A nurturing environment enables holistic healing encompassing body, mind and spirit. The hospital organisation is the other major beneficiary. A nurturing environment allows for enhanced patient outcomes and greatly helps strengthen reach and reputation. Hospital administrators benefit from the top-down view of the environment and are able to prioritise corrective initiatives, thereby optimising costs. Finally, clinical staff benefit professionally from improvement suggestions outlined by EUDAEVIRON®.
Patients and their families and caregivers are the biggest beneficiaries of EUDAEVIRON®. A nurturing environment enables holistic healing encompassing body, mind and spirit. The hospital organisation is the other major beneficiary. A nurturing environment allows for enhanced patient outcomes and greatly helps strengthen reach and reputation. Hospital administrators benefit from the top-down view of the environment and are able to prioritise corrective initiatives, thereby optimising costs. Finally, clinical staff benefit professionally from improvement suggestions outlined by EUDAEVIRON®.
Where (in which settings) should you get EUDAEVIRON®?
Get EUDAEVIRON® if convinced of any of four prerogatives. First, ‘conviction prerogative’. While you may be driven by goals of holistic healing and personal happiness for patients, and while the hospital may have emphasised these, do you sense a lack of conviction among the leadership and clinical and administrative staff? Second, ‘reach and reputation prerogative’. Do you sense an opportunity to significantly enhance reputation by strengthening the environment of nurturance? Third, ‘outcome prerogative’. Do you feel that patient outcomes at your hospital can improve materially by strengthening its healing environment? Fourth, ‘financial imperative’. Are you besieged with initiatives, and need to cut costs and prioritise, with help from a top-down view of the hospital environment?
Get EUDAEVIRON® if you are convinced of any of four prerogatives. First, ‘conviction prerogative’. While you may be driven by goals of holistic healing, do you sense a lack of conviction among members of the leadership and clinical staff? Second, ‘reach and reputation prerogative’: do you sense an opportunity to enhance reputation by strengthening the hospital’s environment? Third, ‘outcome prerogative’: do you feel that patient outcomes can improve by improving the healing environment? Fourth, ‘financial imperative’: are you besieged with initiatives, and need to prioritise to cut costs?
Get EUDAEVIRON® if you are convinced of any of four prerogatives. First, ‘conviction prerogative’. While you may be driven by goals of holistic healing, do you sense a lack of conviction among members of the leadership and clinical staff? Second, ‘reach and reputation prerogative’: do you sense an opportunity to enhance reputation by strengthening the hospital’s environment? Third, ‘outcome prerogative’: do you feel that patient outcomes can improve by improving the healing environment? Fourth, ‘financial imperative’: are you besieged with initiatives, and need to prioritise to cut costs?
Get EUDAEVIRON® if you are convinced of any of four prerogatives. First, ‘conviction prerogative’. While you may be driven by goals of holistic healing, do you sense a lack of conviction among members of the leadership and clinical staff? Second, ‘reach and reputation prerogative’: do you sense an opportunity to enhance reputation by strengthening the hospital’s environment? Third, ‘outcome prerogative’: do you feel that patient outcomes can improve by improving the healing environment? Fourth, ‘financial imperative’: are you besieged with initiatives, and need to prioritise to cut costs?

How does EUDAEVIRON® work?

EUDAEVIRON® is a product designed for annual usage. Its design is based on our proprietary framework on ‘therapeutic nurturance’ called ‘Excellence in Nurturing Environments in Hospitals’. With EUDAEVIRON®, you undergo the four stages of ‘installation’, ‘engagement’, ‘analysis’ and ‘dissemination’ over eight weeks. To install EUDAEVIRON®, you define the scope of environment for your hospital and the sources of inputs including leadership and staff from clinical, support and administrative departments. EUDAEVIRON® engages with these primary sources with the help of specialised instruments that maintain anonymity and objectivity. Statistical analysis for EUDAEVIRON® output is based on the proprietary framework, and leads to comprehensive communication materials for hospital leadership.
EUDAEVIRON® is designed for annual usage. Its design is based on our proprietary framework called ‘Excellence in Nurturing Environments in Hospitals’. With EUDAEVIRON®, you will undergo ‘installation’, ‘engagement’, ‘analysis’ and ‘dissemination’ in eight weeks. To install, you will define scope and the sources of inputs including leaders and staff from clinical, support and administrative departments. EUDAEVIRON® will engage with these sources through specialised instruments to ensure anonymity and objectivity. Statistical analysis will lead to in-depth communication materials for hospital leadership.
EUDAEVIRON® is designed for annual usage. Its design is based on our proprietary framework called ‘Excellence in Nurturing Environments in Hospitals’. With EUDAEVIRON®, you will undergo ‘installation’, ‘engagement’, ‘analysis’ and ‘dissemination’ in eight weeks. To install, you will define scope and the sources of inputs including leaders and staff from clinical, support and administrative departments. EUDAEVIRON® will engage with these sources through specialised instruments to ensure anonymity and objectivity. Statistical analysis will lead to in-depth communication materials for hospital leadership.
EUDAEVIRON® is designed for annual usage. Its design is based on our proprietary framework called ‘Excellence in Nurturing Environments in Hospitals’. With EUDAEVIRON®, you will undergo ‘installation’, ‘engagement’, ‘analysis’ and ‘dissemination’ in eight weeks. To install, you will define scope and the sources of inputs including leaders and staff from clinical, support and administrative departments. EUDAEVIRON® will engage with these sources through specialised instruments to ensure anonymity and objectivity. Statistical analysis will lead to in-depth communication materials for hospital leadership.
When during the financial year should you get EUDAEVIRON®?
From when you are ready to start, EUDAEVIRON® requires eight weeks for the ‘installing’, ‘engaging’, ‘analysing’ and ‘disseminating’ phases. The best time to get EUDAEVIRON® is just prior to or alongside the annual planning and budgeting process, for several reasons. First, the top-down view from the EUDAEVIRON® output will support hospital leadership in prioritising strategic and operational initiatives. Second, the output will also support decisions and choices related to financial outlay and cost budgeting. Third, the participative nature of the planning activity allows the leadership adequate opportunities to communicate to and sensitise employees about the realities of the hospital’s perceived environment, and provide a basis and clarion call for change and improvement.
The best time to get EUDAEVIRON® is just prior to or alongside the annual planning and budgeting process. Such timing has several benefits. First, the top-down view from the EUDAEVIRON® output will support leadership in prioritising strategic and operational initiatives. Second, the output will support choices and decisions made by hospital leadership related to financial outlay and cost budgeting. Third, the participative nature of the activity allows for adequate opportunities to communicate with and sensitise employees about the hospital’s perceived environment, and provide a clarion call for change and improvement.
The best time to get EUDAEVIRON® is just prior to or alongside the annual planning and budgeting process. Such timing has several benefits. First, the top-down view from the EUDAEVIRON® output will support leadership in prioritising strategic and operational initiatives. Second, the output will support choices and decisions made by hospital leadership related to financial outlay and cost budgeting. Third, the participative nature of the activity allows for adequate opportunities to communicate with and sensitise employees about the hospital’s perceived environment, and provide a clarion call for change and improvement.
The best time to get EUDAEVIRON® is just prior to or alongside the annual planning and budgeting process. Such timing has several benefits. First, the top-down view from the EUDAEVIRON® output will support leadership in prioritising strategic and operational initiatives. Second, the output will support choices and decisions made by hospital leadership related to financial outlay and cost budgeting. Third, the participative nature of the activity allows for adequate opportunities to communicate with and sensitise employees about the hospital’s perceived environment, and provide a clarion call for change and improvement.

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