What is GROBRANDā ?

Brands make up the soul of a business enterprise. They represent the units of business performance, external engagement, internal orchestration and company reputation. As scale of the enterprise grows, brand strategy development turns into more of an egalitarian exercise where the edge is taken away from the value proposition and brand promise. Even if differentiation is achieved, it is perforce softened up by enforcing differentiation along multiple dimensions. GROBRANDā examines your organisationās process for brand strategy development and assesses the level of ādifferentiation edge and primacyā along six criteria. In essence, GROBRANDā provides a strident and no-holds-barred assessment of the intensity and quality of differentiation that your ālighthouse brandsā enjoy.
Brands make up the soul of a business enterprise. They represent the units of performance, external engagement, internal orchestration and company reputation. As scale grows, brand strategy development turns into more of an egalitarian exercise where the edge is taken away from the value proposition and brand promise. GROBRANDā examines your brand strategy development process and assesses the level of ādifferentiation edge and primacyā along six criteria. GROBRANDā provides a no-holds-barred assessment of the intensity and quality of differentiation of your ālighthouse brandsā.
Brands make up the soul of a business enterprise. They represent the units of performance, external engagement, internal orchestration and company reputation. As scale grows, brand strategy development turns into more of an egalitarian exercise where the edge is taken away from the value proposition and brand promise. GROBRANDā examines your brand strategy development process and assesses the level of ādifferentiation edge and primacyā along six criteria. GROBRANDā provides a no-holds-barred assessment of the intensity and quality of differentiation of your ālighthouse brandsā.
Brands make up the soul of a business enterprise. They represent the units of performance, external engagement, internal orchestration and company reputation. As scale grows, brand strategy development turns into more of an egalitarian exercise where the edge is taken away from the value proposition and brand promise. GROBRANDā examines your brand strategy development process and assesses the level of ādifferentiation edge and primacyā along six criteria. GROBRANDā provides a no-holds-barred assessment of the intensity and quality of differentiation of your ālighthouse brandsā.
Why worry about ādifferentiationā? Why get GROBRANDā ?
While marketing literature has emphasised ad nauseam the importance of sharp differentiation, its implementation in real life can be described as patchy at best. Even in situations where brand strategies emphasise one primary dimension of differentiation, the extent of it is rarely pushed ābeyond the limitā. Situations are exacerbated as brand scale rises and risk aversion sets in, thereby diluting the brand promise. For brands to acquire ālighthouse statureā, they need to āunbelongā ā from their organisation setting, their portfolio setting, and their industry or competitive setting. Get GROBRANDā to move away from risk averse and low intensity approaches that serve only to round out and cool down your brands, and instead adopt approaches that add edge, intensity and sharp character to your brands.
While marketing literature has emphasised ad nauseam the importance of sharp differentiation, its implementation can be described as patchy. Situations are exacerbated as brand scale rises and risk aversion sets in. For brands to acquire ālighthouse statureā, they need to āunbelongā ā from their organisation setting, their portfolio setting, and their industry or competitive setting. Get GROBRANDā to move away from risk-averse and low intensity approaches that serve only to round out and cool down your brands, and instead adopt approaches that add edge, intensity and sharp character.
While marketing literature has emphasised ad nauseam the importance of sharp differentiation, its implementation can be described as patchy. Situations are exacerbated as brand scale rises and risk aversion sets in. For brands to acquire ālighthouse statureā, they need to āunbelongā ā from their organisation setting, their portfolio setting, and their industry or competitive setting. Get GROBRANDā to move away from risk-averse and low intensity approaches that serve only to round out and cool down your brands, and instead adopt approaches that add edge, intensity and sharp character.
While marketing literature has emphasised ad nauseam the importance of sharp differentiation, its implementation can be described as patchy. Situations are exacerbated as brand scale rises and risk aversion sets in. For brands to acquire ālighthouse statureā, they need to āunbelongā ā from their organisation setting, their portfolio setting, and their industry or competitive setting. Get GROBRANDā to move away from risk-averse and low intensity approaches that serve only to round out and cool down your brands, and instead adopt approaches that add edge, intensity and sharp character.

Who will benefit from GROBRANDā ?

Chief executives and business heads are major beneficiaries of GROBRANDā . Creation of lighthouse brands provides the leadership of organisations with performance, growth, identity, confidence and reputation. Brands with ādifferentiation edge and primacyā are rarely unseated and unsettled. Marketing heads benefit from the fact that GROBRANDā provides a stronger chance to promising brands to achieve ālighthouse statusā. Sales heads benefit no doubt from the heightened performance promise and certainty. The most important beneficiaries of GROBRANDā are your customer franchise. Consumers benefit from the brandās clearer communication and its promise of higher intensity, which, in turn, makes their decision making easier and allows them to identify closely with and draw inspiration from the brand.
Chief executives and business heads are major beneficiaries of GROBRANDā . Creation of lighthouse brands rewards organisationās leadership with performance, growth, identity, confidence and reputation. Marketing heads benefit as promising brands now go on to achieve ālighthouse statusā. Sales heads benefit from raised performance promise and certainty. Most importantly, consumers benefit from the brandās clearer communication and higher intensity, which makes their decision making easier, and allows them to identify closely with and draw inspiration from the brand.
Chief executives and business heads are major beneficiaries of GROBRANDā . Creation of lighthouse brands rewards organisationās leadership with performance, growth, identity, confidence and reputation. Marketing heads benefit as promising brands now go on to achieve ālighthouse statusā. Sales heads benefit from raised performance promise and certainty. Most importantly, consumers benefit from the brandās clearer communication and higher intensity, which makes their decision making easier, and allows them to identify closely with and draw inspiration from the brand.
Chief executives and business heads are major beneficiaries of GROBRANDā . Creation of lighthouse brands rewards organisationās leadership with performance, growth, identity, confidence and reputation. Marketing heads benefit as promising brands now go on to achieve ālighthouse statusā. Sales heads benefit from raised performance promise and certainty. Most importantly, consumers benefit from the brandās clearer communication and higher intensity, which makes their decision making easier, and allows them to identify closely with and draw inspiration from the brand.
Where (in which settings) should you get GROBRANDā ?
Get GROBRANDā to intensify your brand strategy development process when you are faced with any of the following five predicaments. First, āedgeless brandsā: when your brands suffer from positioning that are overly rounded out. Second, āindistinct promiseā: when your brands have positioning that are similar or identical to that of other members of the brand cohort. Third, āscale induced risk aversionā: when you notice that your brands tend to lose distinctiveness as their scale go up. Fourth, āmoribund processā: when the process for brand strategy development is unremarkable and is lacking in intensity and brilliant ideas. Fifth, āextinguished promiseā: when the majority of your promising brands fail to gain scale and relevance, falling well short of lighthouse status.
Get GROBRANDā when faced with any of the following five predicaments. First, āedgeless brandsā: when brands suffer from overly rounded positioning. Second, āindistinct promiseā: when brands have positioning similar to that of other members of the brand cohort. Third, āscale induced risk aversionā: when brands lose distinctiveness as their scale go up. Fourth, āmoribund processā: when the brand strategy development process is unremarkable and lacking in intensity and brilliant ideas. Fifth, āextinguished promiseā: when majority of promising brands fall well short of lighthouse status.
Get GROBRANDā when faced with any of the following five predicaments. First, āedgeless brandsā: when brands suffer from overly rounded positioning. Second, āindistinct promiseā: when brands have positioning similar to that of other members of the brand cohort. Third, āscale induced risk aversionā: when brands lose distinctiveness as their scale go up. Fourth, āmoribund processā: when the brand strategy development process is unremarkable and lacking in intensity and brilliant ideas. Fifth, āextinguished promiseā: when majority of promising brands fall well short of lighthouse status.
Get GROBRANDā when faced with any of the following five predicaments. First, āedgeless brandsā: when brands suffer from overly rounded positioning. Second, āindistinct promiseā: when brands have positioning similar to that of other members of the brand cohort. Third, āscale induced risk aversionā: when brands lose distinctiveness as their scale go up. Fourth, āmoribund processā: when the brand strategy development process is unremarkable and lacking in intensity and brilliant ideas. Fifth, āextinguished promiseā: when majority of promising brands fall well short of lighthouse status.

How does GROBRANDā work?

The design of GROBRANDā is based on our proprietary eight-part framework called āUNBELONGā. With GROBRANDā , you undergo the four stages of āinstallationā, āengagementā, āanalysisā and ādisseminationā over ten weeks. To install GROBRANDā , you identify the predicaments that necessitated product usage; provide data related to brand performance and strategy; identify brands that will be the subject of research; and nominate research respondents. GROBRANDā will then study the data, interact with research respondents, and analyse research data. The final output for leadership will include a quantitative assessment of the brand development process along the dimensions of the UNBELONG framework, supported by qualitative narration and examples from specific brand stories.
The design of GROBRANDā is based on our proprietary eight-part framework called āUNBELONGā. āInstallationā, āengagementā, āanalysisā and ādisseminationā take place over ten weeks. To install GROBRANDā , you provide relevant data; identify brands that will be the research subjects; and nominate research respondents. GROBRANDā interacts with the research respondents and analyses research data. The final output includes a quantitative assessment of brand strategy development process along the UNBELONG dimensions, supported by qualitative narration and brand examples.
The design of GROBRANDā is based on our proprietary eight-part framework called āUNBELONGā. āInstallationā, āengagementā, āanalysisā and ādisseminationā take place over ten weeks. To install GROBRANDā , you provide relevant data; identify brands that will be the research subjects; and nominate research respondents. GROBRANDā interacts with the research respondents and analyses research data. The final output includes a quantitative assessment of brand strategy development process along the UNBELONG dimensions, supported by qualitative narration and brand examples.
The design of GROBRANDā is based on our proprietary eight-part framework called āUNBELONGā. āInstallationā, āengagementā, āanalysisā and ādisseminationā take place over ten weeks. To install GROBRANDā , you provide relevant data; identify brands that will be the research subjects; and nominate research respondents. GROBRANDā interacts with the research respondents and analyses research data. The final output includes a quantitative assessment of brand strategy development process along the UNBELONG dimensions, supported by qualitative narration and brand examples.
When during the operating year should you get GROBRANDā ?
GROBRANDā is designed for biennial as well as episodic usage. GROBRANDā requires ten weeks to go through the āinstallingā, āengagingā, āanalysingā and ādisseminatingā phases. When using GROBRANDā on a biennial cycle, we recommend usage during the fourth, second or third quarters. Usage during the fourth quarter benefits brand strategies to be developed in the coming year. Usage during the second and third quarters allows GROBRANDā to provide inputs that can rectify the process midway in the performance cycle, thereby strengthening the process of revising the brand marketing plan. We do not advise first quarter usage since the plan execution would have just begun. For episodic usage, we do not suggest a timing. Use GROBRANDā whenever you are faced with any of the five predicaments mentioned earlier.
GROBRANDā is designed for biennial as well as episodic usage. When using GROBRANDā on a biennial cycle, we recommend usage during the fourth, second or third quarters. Fourth quarter usage benefits brand strategies that are to be developed during the upcoming year. Second and third quarters usage allows GROBRANDā to rectify the process midway in the performance cycle. We do not advise usage during the first quarter since the plan execution would have just begun. For episodic usage, we do not suggest a timing. Use GROBRANDā whenever you face any of the five predicaments mentioned earlier.
GROBRANDā is designed for biennial as well as episodic usage. When using GROBRANDā on a biennial cycle, we recommend usage during the fourth, second or third quarters. Fourth quarter usage benefits brand strategies that are to be developed during the upcoming year. Second and third quarters usage allows GROBRANDā to rectify the process midway in the performance cycle. We do not advise usage during the first quarter since the plan execution would have just begun. For episodic usage, we do not suggest a timing. Use GROBRANDā whenever you face any of the five predicaments mentioned earlier.
GROBRANDā is designed for biennial as well as episodic usage. When using GROBRANDā on a biennial cycle, we recommend usage during the fourth, second or third quarters. Fourth quarter usage benefits brand strategies that are to be developed during the upcoming year. Second and third quarters usage allows GROBRANDā to rectify the process midway in the performance cycle. We do not advise usage during the first quarter since the plan execution would have just begun. For episodic usage, we do not suggest a timing. Use GROBRANDā whenever you face any of the five predicaments mentioned earlier.

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