HOSTELLAR® provides a thorough diagnostic of how capable the hospitality organisation and its employees are in their primary role of ‘hosts’ to their customer ‘guests’. HOSTELLAR® profiles the host’s capabilities for entire organisations, departmental units, working teams, and individual employees. HOSTELLAR® is developed around a four-layered framework that is custom-designed for the hospitality industry. It comprises: first, the individual’s four inner qualities that are essential precursors of hospitality; second, the identity she holds of her own self, her occupational community, and the broader ecosystem; third, the attitudes and agency she displays along the three dimensions of serving guests; and finally, the extent to which she displays the six major behavioural traits that are hallmarks of a good host.
HOSTELLAR® assesses the capability of the hospitality organisation and its employees in their role of ‘hosts’ to their customer ‘guests’. HOSTELLAR® profiles this capability for organisations, departments, teams, and individual employees. HOSTELLAR®’s four-layer framework, custom-designed for hospitality, comprises: first, the individual’s four inner qualities that essentially precede hospitality; second, the identity she holds of self, occupational community and ecosystem; third, attitudes and agency along three service dimensions; fourth, display of six behavioural traits that are hallmarks of a good host.
HOSTELLAR® assesses the capability of the hospitality organisation and its employees in their role of ‘hosts’ to their customer ‘guests’. HOSTELLAR® profiles this capability for organisations, departments, teams, and individual employees. HOSTELLAR®’s four-layer framework, custom-designed for hospitality, comprises: first, the individual’s four inner qualities that essentially precede hospitality; second, the identity she holds of self, occupational community and ecosystem; third, attitudes and agency along three service dimensions; fourth, display of six behavioural traits that are hallmarks of a good host.
HOSTELLAR® assesses the capability of the hospitality organisation and its employees in their role of ‘hosts’ to their customer ‘guests’. HOSTELLAR® profiles this capability for organisations, departments, teams, and individual employees. HOSTELLAR®’s four-layer framework, custom-designed for hospitality, comprises: first, the individual’s four inner qualities that essentially precede hospitality; second, the identity she holds of self, occupational community and ecosystem; third, attitudes and agency along three service dimensions; fourth, display of six behavioural traits that are hallmarks of a good host.
Why worry about "host’s capabilities"? Why get HOSTELLAR®?
Undeniably, the host’s capabilities will determine the quality of hospitality. Based on research conducted over half a century, HOSTELLAR® believes that the nature and composition of attitudes and traits needed in hospitality are distinct from those required in services in general. ‘Service predisposition’ in hospitality is a highly specific concept, and has remarkable consequences all around. For the individual employee, it determines service behaviour. For the customer guest, it impacts the level of satisfaction. For the collective entity, it influences team behaviour, departmental performance, and ultimately, organisation culture. HOSTELLAR® gives you a clear and candid picture of how good a host you are at different levels of aggregation, and provides an opportunity to enhance and embellish that picture.
Undeniably, the host’s capabilities will determine the quality of hospitality. Based on research over decades, HOSTELLAR® believes that the nature and composition of attitudes and traits in hospitality are distinct from those needed in services in general. ‘Service predisposition’ in hospitality is a highly specific concept, and determines service behaviour of the employee. For the customer, it influences satisfaction levels. For the collective entity, it impacts team behaviour and organisation culture. Get HOSTELLAR® for a candid view of how good a host you are, and an opportunity to enhance that picture.
Undeniably, the host’s capabilities will determine the quality of hospitality. Based on research over decades, HOSTELLAR® believes that the nature and composition of attitudes and traits in hospitality are distinct from those needed in services in general. ‘Service predisposition’ in hospitality is a highly specific concept, and determines service behaviour of the employee. For the customer, it influences satisfaction levels. For the collective entity, it impacts team behaviour and organisation culture. Get Hosteller for a candid view of how good a host you are, and an opportunity to enhance that picture.
Undeniably, the host’s capabilities will determine the quality of hospitality. Based on research over decades, HOSTELLAR® believes that the nature and composition of attitudes and traits in hospitality are distinct from those needed in services in general. ‘Service predisposition’ in hospitality is a highly specific concept, and determines service behaviour of the employee. For the customer, it influences satisfaction levels. For the collective entity, it impacts team behaviour and organisation culture. Get Hosteller for a candid view of how good a host you are, and an opportunity to enhance that picture.

Who will benefit from HOSTELLAR®?

HOSTELLAR® accrues benefits at multiple levels. First, employees gain from an in-depth view of capabilities at four levels – inner qualities, identities held, attitudes and agency, and behavioural traits. Second, teams and departmental units benefit from the collective picture of their hosting-related skills and its influence on their performance. Third, and significantly, an aggregate picture of the organisation provides an insightful account of institutional capability and points to influences on organisation culture. In the end, HOSTELLAR® benefits customers, by providing opportunities to and creating conditions that enhance guest experiences. A thoughtful use of HOSTELLAR® can provide the organisation with a textured and layered picture of hospitality’s most important consideration - “how to be a good host”.
HOSTELLAR® accrues benefits at multiple levels. First, employees view their capabilities at four levels – inner qualities, identities held, attitudes and agency, and behavioural traits. Second, teams and departments benefit from a collective picture of their hosting-related skills and performance. Third, the organisation benefits from an aggregate account of institutional capability and its influence on organisation culture. A thoughtful use of HOSTELLAR® can provide the organisation with a textured and layered picture of hospitality’s most important consideration - “how to be a good host”.
HOSTELLAR® accrues benefits at multiple levels. First, employees view their capabilities at four levels – inner qualities, identities held, attitudes and agency, and behavioural traits. Second, teams and departments benefit from a collective picture of their hosting-related skills and performance. Third, the organisation benefits from an aggregate account of institutional capability and its influence on organisation culture. A thoughtful use of HOSTELLAR® can provide the organisation with a textured and layered picture of hospitality’s most important consideration - “how to be a good host”.
HOSTELLAR® accrues benefits at multiple levels. First, employees view their capabilities at four levels – inner qualities, identities held, attitudes and agency, and behavioural traits. Second, teams and departments benefit from a collective picture of their hosting-related skills and performance. Third, the organisation benefits from an aggregate account of institutional capability and its influence on organisation culture. A thoughtful use of HOSTELLAR® can provide the organisation with a textured and layered picture of hospitality’s most important consideration - “how to be a good host”.
Where (in which settings) should you get HOSTELLAR®?
Get HOSTELLAR® when you have any of the following five prerogatives. The first is the ‘development prerogative’ – when you have identified specific high potential employees and want to profile and enhance their strengths. Second is the ‘performance imperative’ – when you have identified teams and departments that need to bolster their standards of guest service. Third is the ‘cultural prerogative’ – when you feel the need to bring about substantial change in the service culture across the entire organisation. Fourth is the ‘orientation prerogative’ – when you need to profile the strengths of new employees as a part of their orientation process. Fifth is the ‘recruitment prerogative’ – when you are hiring employees for senior or critical positions, as a part of the assessment process.
Get HOSTELLAR® when you have any of the following five prerogatives. First, ‘development prerogative’ – to profile and enhance the strengths of specific high potential employees. Second, ‘performance imperative’ – to bolster standards of guest service of specific teams and departments. Third, ‘cultural prerogative’ – to bring substantial change in the service culture across the organisation. Fourth, ‘orientation prerogative’ – to profile the strengths of new employees as a part of their induction into the organisation. Fifth, ‘recruitment prerogative’ – to hire employees for senior or critical positions, as a part of assessment.
Get HOSTELLAR® when you have any of the following five prerogatives. First, ‘development prerogative’ – to profile and enhance the strengths of specific high potential employees. Second, ‘performance imperative’ – to bolster standards of guest service of specific teams and departments. Third, ‘cultural prerogative’ – to bring substantial change in the service culture across the organisation. Fourth, ‘orientation prerogative’ – to profile the strengths of new employees as a part of their induction into the organisation. Fifth, ‘recruitment prerogative’ – to hire employees for senior or critical positions, as a part of assessment.
Get HOSTELLAR® when you have any of the following five prerogatives. First, ‘development prerogative’ – to profile and enhance the strengths of specific high potential employees. Second, ‘performance imperative’ – to bolster standards of guest service of specific teams and departments. Third, ‘cultural prerogative’ – to bring substantial change in the service culture across the organisation. Fourth, ‘orientation prerogative’ – to profile the strengths of new employees as a part of their induction into the organisation. Fifth, ‘recruitment prerogative’ – to hire employees for senior or critical positions, as a part of assessment.

How does HOSTELLAR® work?

HOSTELLAR® is designed for annual as well as episodic usage. With HOSTELLAR®, you undergo the four stages of ‘installation’, ‘engagement’, ‘analysis’ and ‘dissemination’ over eight to ten weeks depending on the scale of the exercise. During installation, you need to decide product subject in terms of the individuals or collectives that need to be profiled. You also need to decide product scope by choosing from the four layers that you want profiled (viz., inner qualities, identities held, attitudes and agency, behavioural traits). HOSTELLAR® then engages with the subjects through a process of guided reflection with the help of specialised tools. The final HOSTELLAR® output is a confidential report that is made available to the organisation leadership for further processing and repurposing.
HOSTELLAR® is designed for annual as well as episodic usage. ‘Installation’, ‘engagement’, ‘analysis’ and ‘dissemination’ takes place over eight weeks. To install, you will need to select individuals or collectives that need to be profiled. You will also need to decide product scope from the four layers that can be profiled (viz., inner qualities, identities held, attitudes and agency, behavioural traits). HOSTELLAR® will then engage with the subjects in a process of guided reflection with specialised tools. The final HOSTELLAR® output is confidential and will be made available to the organisation leadership.
HOSTELLAR® is designed for annual as well as episodic usage. ‘Installation’, ‘engagement’, ‘analysis’ and ‘dissemination’ takes place over eight weeks. To install, you will need to select individuals or collectives that need to be profiled. You will also need to decide product scope from the four layers that can be profiled (viz., inner qualities, identities held, attitudes and agency, behavioural traits). HOSTELLAR® will then engage with the subjects in a process of guided reflection with specialised tools. The final HOSTELLAR® output is confidential and will be made available to the organisation leadership.
HOSTELLAR® is designed for annual as well as episodic usage. ‘Installation’, ‘engagement’, ‘analysis’ and ‘dissemination’ takes place over eight weeks. To install, you will need to select individuals or collectives that need to be profiled. You will also need to decide product scope from the four layers that can be profiled (viz., inner qualities, identities held, attitudes and agency, behavioural traits). HOSTELLAR® will then engage with the subjects in a process of guided reflection with specialised tools. The final HOSTELLAR® output is confidential and will be made available to the organisation leadership.
When during the financial year should you get HOSTELLAR®?
HOSTELLAR® requires eight to ten weeks to go through the ‘installing’, ‘engaging’, ‘analysing’ and ‘disseminating’ phases depending on product subjects and scale. We suggest different usage timings and frequency for the five different prerogatives. For the prerogatives of ‘development’, ‘orientation’ and ‘recruitment’, we recommend an annual usage with timing aligned to the organisation’s human resources calendar. In instances of ‘cultural prerogative’, usage can be episodic as well as periodic. One-time episodic usage will coincide with the organisation’s culture change effort. Beyond this, we suggest half-yearly updates of the capability profile. For ‘performance prerogative’, usage will be upon the identification of the performance problem, whenever that might be, and hence cannot follow a fixed annual timing.
Timing and frequency of HOSTELLAR® usage differ for the five prerogatives. For ‘development’, ‘orientation’ and ‘recruitment’ prerogatives, we recommend an annual usage aligned with the organisation’s human resources calendar. In instances of ‘cultural prerogative’, when organisation is going through a culture change effort, we suggest one-time use followed by half-yearly updates of the capability profile. For ‘performance prerogative’, usage will take place upon identification of the performance problem, whenever that might be, and hence will not follow a fixed annual timing.
Timing and frequency of HOSTELLAR® usage differ for the five prerogatives. For ‘development’, ‘orientation’ and ‘recruitment’ prerogatives, we recommend an annual usage aligned with the organisation’s human resources calendar. In instances of ‘cultural prerogative’, when organisation is going through a culture change effort, we suggest one-time use followed by half-yearly updates of the capability profile. For ‘performance prerogative’, usage will take place upon identification of the performance problem, whenever that might be, and hence will not follow a fixed annual timing.
Timing and frequency of HOSTELLAR® usage differ for the five prerogatives. For ‘development’, ‘orientation’ and ‘recruitment’ prerogatives, we recommend an annual usage aligned with the organisation’s human resources calendar. In instances of ‘cultural prerogative’, when organisation is going through a culture change effort, we suggest one-time use followed by half-yearly updates of the capability profile. For ‘performance prerogative’, usage will take place upon identification of the performance problem, whenever that might be, and hence will not follow a fixed annual timing.

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