The ORGDESINEĀ® research platform offers products that solve problems related to structural aspects of organisations. Our structural products help our customers build organisations that align through congruence and simplicity, empower by releasing latent organisational energy, and create resonance between structure and style. The 5 research products on this platform address problems related to structure, empowerment and decision making, management processes, governance and review architecture, and performance management systems.
ORGDESINEĀ® aims to create structures that excel yet evolve, empower and progress, are efficient yet humane, are alive and nourished, are humble yet growing. Our products in the ORGDESINEĀ® research platform are based on our unique and proprietary functional frameworks. Despite having unique frameworks, all products are underpinned by a set of common design principles:
ā¢ Vibrance, balance and harmony; not monolithic hierarchies
ā¢ Inner confidence and centeredness; not outward bluster
ā¢ Thoughtful efficiency; not cold objectivity
ā¢ Ethos; not ethnicity
ā¢ Causality; not correlation.
The synergies across products in the ORGDESINEĀ® platform pertain to organisation design inputs as well as design outcomes. The platform ensures alignment and congruence in the design objectives and principles of all aspects of our customersā organisation design. Moreover, it helps our customers view a design outcome in the context of holistic organisation design. Finally, it allows our customers to assess design outcomes vis-Ć -vis their influence on individual and collective performance.
The ORGDESINEĀ® research platform offers products that solve problems related to the structural aspects of organisations, by catalysing alignment, empowerment and resonance. These 5 research products address problems related to structure, empowerment and decision making, management processes, governance and review architecture, and performance management systems. ORGDESINEĀ® provides synergies to our customers in the identification and resolution of organisation design problems, and links design outcomes to individual and collective performance.
The ORGDESINEĀ® research platform offers products that solve problems related to the structural aspects of organisations, by catalysing alignment, empowerment and resonance. These 5 research products address problems related to structure, empowerment and decision making, management processes, governance and review architecture, and performance management systems. ORGDESINEĀ® provides synergies to our customers in the identification and resolution of organisation design problems, and links design outcomes to individual and collective performance.

Our Research Products for Structural Performance of Organisations

The structure of your organisation is the frame that holds it together, and allows it to express through purpose, action and performance. FORMIUMĀ® provides an in-depth assessment of the organisation structure; identifies avoidable design complexities; assesses fit with strategy and environment; and highlights inherent design flaws. Underpinning this assessment is an emphasis on simplicity. FORMIUMĀ® believes that organisation structures are most prolific when founded on simple yet profound concepts. FORMIUMĀ® profiles your organisationās structure along five dimensions of simplicity: axial or conceptual, dimensional, compositional, functional, and connective. Get FORMIUMĀ® if you consider structure design to be the first consideration in your endeavour to strengthen organisational performance.
The structure of an organisation holds it together, and allows expression through purpose, action and performance. FORMIUMĀ® analyses organisation structures; identifies design complexities and flaws; and assesses strategic and environment fit. FORMIUMĀ® believes in the profundity of simple structures, and profiles these along five dimensions of simplicity: axial or conceptual, dimensional, compositional, functional, and connective. Get FORMIUMĀ® to strengthen your organisationās structure, thereby strengthening performance.
The structure of an organisation holds it together, and allows expression through purpose, action and performance. FORMIUMĀ® analyses organisation structures; identifies design complexities and flaws; and assesses strategic and environment fit. FORMIUMĀ® believes in the profundity of simple structures, and profiles these along five dimensions of simplicity: axial or conceptual, dimensional, compositional, functional, and connective. Get FORMIUMĀ® to strengthen your organisationās structure, thereby strengthening performance.

Quality of decisions underpin excellence in operations and performance. However, the thinking on what constitutes high quality decisions has witnessed gross simplification. Prevalent approaches have turned decision making into a caricature of linear mechanically described tasks as ārecommendingā, āapprovingā, āsupportingā, āconsultingā and āinformingā. In contrast, EMQUIPĀ® focuses on such substantive ingredients as decision goal setting, research and problem solving, collaborating, aligning, and communicating and contextualising. It provides an in-depth evaluation of the quality of decision making in your organisation, for different decision categories. Get EMQUIPĀ® to rid decision making of its caricatured portrayal and, instead, strengthen its constituent elements, resulting in enhanced performance and motivation.
Decision quality underpins performance excellence. Prevalent thinking have reduced decision making to a set of linear tasks such as ārecommendingā, āapprovingā, āsupportingā, āconsultingā and āinformingā. In contrast, EMQUIPĀ® evaluates decision making quality by focusing on decision goal setting, problem solving, collaboration, alignment, and communication and contextualising. Get EMQUIPĀ® to enhance performance and motivation by strengthening decision making and renouncing its reduced portrayal.
Decision quality underpins performance excellence. Prevalent thinking have reduced decision making to a set of linear tasks such as ārecommendingā, āapprovingā, āsupportingā, āconsultingā and āinformingā. In contrast, EMQUIPĀ® evaluates decision making quality by focusing on decision goal setting, problem solving, collaboration, alignment, and communication and contextualising. Get EMQUIPĀ® to enhance performance and motivation by strengthening decision making and renouncing its reduced portrayal.

Budgeting is a backbone process which inextricably and materially influences a wide range of other processes such as operations planning, performance management and marketing execution. OPEREFTĀ® provides an incisive and multifaceted assessment of your budgeting process, and identifies aspects that need strengthening. OPEREFTĀ® believes that the budgeting process reflects choices that leaders of organisations make while running the enterprise to create value. When these choices are not made explicit, it results in poor comprehension, low intensity and subpar outputs. OPEREFTĀ® makes explicit these choices along six dimensions: orientation, emphasis, dynamics, refinement, aggregation and interactivity. Get OPEREFTĀ® to shake, recast and strengthen your budgeting process, by injecting mindfulness and intensity.
Budgeting is a backbone process which influences operations planning, performance management and marketing execution. OPEREFTĀ® provides an incisive and multifaceted assessment of your budgeting process. OPEREFTĀ® believes that budgeting reflects choices that leaders of organisations make along six dimensions: orientation, emphasis, dynamics, refinement, aggregation and interactivity. Get OPEREFTĀ® to shake, recast and strengthen your budgeting process, by injecting mindfulness and intensity.
Budgeting is a backbone process which influences operations planning, performance management and marketing execution. OPEREFTĀ® provides an incisive and multifaceted assessment of your budgeting process. OPEREFTĀ® believes that budgeting reflects choices that leaders of organisations make along six dimensions: orientation, emphasis, dynamics, refinement, aggregation and interactivity. Get OPEREFTĀ® to shake, recast and strengthen your budgeting process, by injecting mindfulness and intensity.

People performance management has remained steeped in ābehaviourismā since the 1920s. The central precept has been that: employee behaviour is either reflex as a response to stimulus, or a consequence of the individualās history of reinforcement and punishment. Such a methodological attitude to people management is hopelessly anachronous. UTODELĀ® provides a perceptive analysis of performance management, causal relations, and methodological opportunities to adopt humanistic approaches. In stark contrast to behaviourism, UTODELĀ® is underpinned by humanistic psychology, and embraces the constructs of free will, creativity, positive human potential and self-actualisation. Get UTODELĀ® to understand how contemporary your performance management process is, and use its humanistic grounding to transform.
People performance management has been driven by ābehaviourismā, postulating that: employee behaviour is either a reflexive response to stimulus, or a consequence of reinforcement and punishment. UTODELĀ® rejects this anachronous attitude, and embraces humanistic psychology and the constructs of free will, creativity, positive human potential and self-actualisation. It assesses causes of performance and improvement opportunities. Get UTODELĀ® to recast performance management along humanistic lines.
People performance management has been driven by ābehaviourismā, postulating that: employee behaviour is either a reflexive response to stimulus, or a consequence of reinforcement and punishment. UTODELĀ® rejects this anachronous attitude, and embraces humanistic psychology and the constructs of free will, creativity, positive human potential and self-actualisation. It assesses causes of performance and improvement opportunities. Get UTODELĀ® to recast performance management along humanistic lines.

Governance provides the foundation for the superstructure of organisational processes. It underpins high performance, smooth operations, effective problem solving, and strategic decision making. Unfortunately, the conception of governance has remained unidimensional ā mostly seen as a direct fallout of the organisationās structure. SECOPARĀ® believes in a richer multifaceted conception of governance ā as an organisational construct with manifold degrees of freedom, despite linkages with other constructs. SECOPARĀ® evaluates your organisationās governance structure based on a framework that tracks seminal factors such as the nature of decisions, cultural context, identity of decision makers, and nature of the environment. Get SECOPARĀ® for a rich, nuanced and disaggregated view of your organisationās governance structure.
Strong governance underpins high performance, smooth operations, effective problem solving and strategic decision making. Unfortunately, governance is mostly seen as a direct fallout of the organisationās structure. SECOPARĀ® believes in a rich multifaceted conception of governance, with manifold degrees of freedom. It evaluates governance structures based on factors such as decision type, cultural context, decision makers and environment. Get SECOPARĀ® for a rich and nuanced view of your organisationās governance structure.
Strong governance underpins high performance, smooth operations, effective problem solving and strategic decision making. Unfortunately, governance is mostly seen as a direct fallout of the organisationās structure. SECOPARĀ® believes in a rich multifaceted conception of governance, with manifold degrees of freedom. It evaluates governance structures based on factors such as decision type, cultural context, decision makers and environment. Get SECOPARĀ® for a rich and nuanced view of your organisationās governance structure.
The structure of an organisation holds it together, and allows expression through purpose, action and performance. FORMIUMĀ® assesses organisation structures in depth; identifies design complexities and flaws; and assesses strategic and environment fit. FORMIUMĀ® believes in the profundity of simple structures, and profiles these along five dimensions of simplicity: axial or conceptual, dimensional, compositional, functional, and connective. Get FORMIUMĀ® to strengthen your organisationās structure, thereby strengthening health and performance.
Budgeting is a backbone process which materially influences operations planning, performance management and marketing execution. OPEREFTĀ® provides an incisive and multifaceted assessment of your budgeting process. OPEREFTĀ® believes that the budgeting process reflects choices that leaders of organisations make along six dimensions: orientation, emphasis, dynamics, refinement, aggregation and interactivity. Get OPEREFTĀ® to shake, recast and strengthen your budgeting process, through an injection of mindfulness and intensity.
Strong governance underpins high performance, smooth operations, effective problem solving and strategic decision making. Unfortunately, governance is mostly seen as a direct fallout of the organisationās structure. SECOPARĀ® believes in a rich multifaceted conception of governance, with manifold degrees of freedom. It evaluates governance structures based on factors such as decision type, cultural context, decision makers and environment. Get SECOPARĀ® for a rich and nuanced view of your organisationās governance structure.
Quality of decisions underpin excellence in performance. However, prevalent thinking have reduced decision making to a set of linear tasks such as ārecommendingā, āapprovingā, āsupportingā, āconsultingā and āinformingā. In contrast, EMQUIPĀ® evaluates decision making quality by focusing on decision goal setting, research and problem solving, collaborating, aligning, and communicating and contextualising. Get EMQUIPĀ® to enhance performance and motivation by strengthening decision making and renouncing its reduced portrayal.
People performance management has been driven by ābehaviourismā, postulating that: employee behaviour is either a reflexive response to stimulus, or a consequence of reinforcement and punishment. UTODELĀ® rejects this anachronous attitude, and embraces humanistic psychology and the constructs of free will, creativity, positive human potential and self-actualisation. It assesses performance management, causal relations, and improvement opportunities. Get UTODELĀ® to recast performance management along humanistic lines.
The structure of an organisation holds it together, and allows expression through purpose, action and performance. FORMIUMĀ® assesses organisation structures in depth; identifies design complexities and flaws; and assesses strategic and environment fit. FORMIUMĀ® believes in the profundity of simple structures, and profiles these along five dimensions of simplicity: axial or conceptual, dimensional, compositional, functional, and connective. Get FORMIUMĀ® to strengthen your organisationās structure, thereby strengthening health and performance.
People performance management has been driven by ābehaviourismā, postulating that: employee behaviour is either a reflexive response to stimulus, or a consequence of reinforcement and punishment. UTODELĀ® rejects this anachronous attitude, and embraces humanistic psychology and the constructs of free will, creativity, positive human potential and self-actualisation. It assesses performance management, causal relations, and improvement opportunities. Get UTODELĀ® to recast performance management along humanistic lines.
Quality of decisions underpin excellence in performance. However, prevalent thinking have reduced decision making to a set of linear tasks such as ārecommendingā, āapprovingā, āsupportingā, āconsultingā and āinformingā. In contrast, EMQUIPĀ® evaluates decision making quality by focusing on decision goal setting, research and problem solving, collaborating, aligning, and communicating and contextualising. Get EMQUIPĀ® to enhance performance and motivation by strengthening decision making and renouncing its reduced portrayal.
Strong governance underpins high performance, smooth operations, effective problem solving and strategic decision making. Unfortunately, governance is mostly seen as a direct fallout of the organisationās structure. SECOPARĀ® believes in a rich multifaceted conception of governance, with manifold degrees of freedom. It evaluates governance structures based on factors such as decision type, cultural context, decision makers and environment. Get SECOPARĀ® for a rich and nuanced view of your organisationās governance structure.
Budgeting is a backbone process which materially influences operations planning, performance management and marketing execution. OPEREFTĀ® provides an incisive and multifaceted assessment of your budgeting process. OPEREFTĀ® believes that the budgeting process reflects choices that leaders of organisations make along six dimensions: orientation, emphasis, dynamics, refinement, aggregation and interactivity. Get OPEREFTĀ® to shake, recast and strengthen your budgeting process, through an injection of mindfulness and intensity.

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