The SCALEXELĀ® research platform offers products that solve problems related to performance challenges of collective entities in organisations. Our collective products help our customers build organisations that aspire by aligning personal and collective contexts, collaborate by harnessing group emotional intelligence, and build through strong operating processes and performance culture. The 6 products on this platform address problems related to execution quality, operations performance management, and operations excellence in R&D, manufacturing, supply chain and salesforce.
SCALEXELĀ® aims to shape the world of collectives inspired by the primacy of need, dynamism of movement, rhythm and protocol, the value of service, and the grandeur of diversity. While being designed around unique and proprietary frameworks, our products in the SCALEXELĀ® research platform benefit from a set of common underlying design principles:
ā¢ Build sufficiency, then abundance
ā¢ Rock todayās foundation, for tomorrowās edifice
ā¢ Nurture the pioneering spirit
ā¢ Be borne of instinct, and moulded by reason
ā¢ Express the audacity of service.
The SCALEXELĀ® platform brings about synergies through congruence, synchronisation and application. First, it ensures congruence and synchronisation across processes in adjacent functions and departments. Second, it ensures alignment and congruence in the performance tasks and initiatives across different collective entities. Finally, it enables broader application of experiential learnings in collective performance across departments, functions and divisions.
The SCALEXELĀ® research platform offers 6 products that solve problems related to performance challenges of collective entities in organisations by aligning, collaborating and building. These research products address problems related to execution quality, operations performance management, and operations excellence in R&D, manufacturing, supply chain and salesforce. SCALEXELĀ® provides synergies by synchronising across processes, aligning across performance initiatives and projects, and enabling a shared application of experiential learnings.
The SCALEXELĀ® research platform offers 6 products that solve problems related to performance challenges of collective entities in organisations by aligning, collaborating and building. These research products address problems related to execution quality, operations performance management, and operations excellence in R&D, manufacturing, supply chain and salesforce. SCALEXELĀ® provides synergies by synchronising across processes, aligning across performance initiatives and projects, and enabling a shared application of experiential learnings.

Our Research Products for Operations Performance of Organisations

Operating performance holds up financial performance, particularly of enterprises engaged in manufacturing and service operations. While dialogues around āefficiencyā abound, traditional approaches fail to address important issues such as the sustenance of high efficiency levels, the role of āeffectivenessā, and the partnership between human and infrastructural actors. ARDORENĀ® provides an insightful and in-depth evaluation of your operations performance management process, highlighting strong practices and improvement areas. ARDORENĀ® research provides disaggregated views that compare and contrast between operations management within sub-units and operating teams. Get ARDORENĀ® as your looking glass to comprehend the quality of your operations as well as your guidebook to recast it.
Despite the criticality of operations performance management in enterprise, traditional approaches fail to address important issues such as sustenance of high efficiency, role of āeffectivenessā, and synergies between human and infrastructural actors. ARDORENĀ® provides an in-depth evaluation of operations performance management, including disaggregated views comparing operations within sub-units. Get ARDORENĀ® as your looking glass to view the quality of your operations, as well as your guidebook to recast it.
Despite the criticality of operations performance management in enterprise, traditional approaches fail to address important issues such as sustenance of high efficiency, role of āeffectivenessā, and synergies between human and infrastructural actors. ARDORENĀ® provides an in-depth evaluation of operations performance management, including disaggregated views comparing operations within sub-units. Get ARDORENĀ® as your looking glass to view the quality of your operations, as well as your guidebook to recast it.

āExecutionā is most credited for success and most blamed for failure. It is among the most discussed constructs in the world of enterprise ā built into countless methodologies, logos and slogans. And yet, its conception remains clichĆ©d and hopelessly far from describing the conditions under which it gets instantiated. Thinkers are content to pair āexecutionā with āleadershipā, or to define āexecutionā as the quintessential follower and conceptual converse of āstrategyā. EXEMPLEMĀ® provides an assessment of the āquality of executionā against three characteristics that are instantiated by smooth execution. First, smooth execution is silent. Second, it is relentless. Third, it is self-adjusting. Get EXEMPLEMĀ® to free your organisation from the clichĆ©s and caricatures of execution, and comprehend and master the real construct.
Despite being among the most discussed constructs in the world of enterprise, the conception of āexecutionā remains hopelessly clichĆ©d. Thinkers pair āexecutionā with āleadershipā, or define āexecutionā as the follower and converse of āstrategyā. EXEMPLEMĀ® assesses the āquality of executionā against three characteristics that are instantiated by smooth execution: silent, relentless, self-adjusting. Get EXEMPLEMĀ® to free your organisation from the clichĆ©s and caricatures of execution, and comprehend and master the real construct.
Despite being among the most discussed constructs in the world of enterprise, the conception of āexecutionā remains hopelessly clichĆ©d. Thinkers pair āexecutionā with āleadershipā, or define āexecutionā as the follower and converse of āstrategyā. EXEMPLEMĀ® assesses the āquality of executionā against three characteristics that are instantiated by smooth execution: silent, relentless, self-adjusting. Get EXEMPLEMĀ® to free your organisation from the clichĆ©s and caricatures of execution, and comprehend and master the real construct.

Industrial R&D functions run the risk of turning into inexorable machines that are no more able to either groom creativity or harness serendipity. The march of processes cutting through the heart of the R&D function purports to enhance certainty by engendering discipline in a construct that is fundamentally fraught with uncertainty and randomness. PRODASETĀ® steps in to allay this anomaly. PRODASETĀ® believes that ācreativityā, which is fundamental to R&D, is neither wholly random, nor achievable through structure alone. Hence, the creative process needs to balance between harnessing serendipity and enforcing process discipline. PRODASETĀ® helps instil excellence in your R&D function by assessing ācreativityā along its five dimensions and identifying entrenched mindsets related to the balance between serendipity and process discipline.
Industrial R&D functions run the risk of turning into inexorable machines that neither groom creativity nor harness serendipity. Processes in R&D purport to enhance certainty in a construct that is fundamentally fraught with uncertainty and randomness. PRODASETĀ® believes that ācreativityā is neither wholly random, nor achievable through structure alone. PRODASETĀ® helps instill R&D excellence by assessing ācreativityā along five dimensions and balancing between harnessing serendipity and enforcing process discipline.
Industrial R&D functions run the risk of turning into inexorable machines that neither groom creativity nor harness serendipity. Processes in R&D purport to enhance certainty in a construct that is fundamentally fraught with uncertainty and randomness. PRODASETĀ® believes that ācreativityā is neither wholly random, nor achievable through structure alone. PRODASETĀ® helps instill R&D excellence by assessing ācreativityā along five dimensions and balancing between harnessing serendipity and enforcing process discipline.

Manufacturing is at once the primary influencer of cost, quality and throughput. Inspired by systems-driven approaches, manufacturing organisations run the risk of evolving into thoughtless and automated giants, sans the elevating influence of personal enterprise and leadership. TESQUIRĀ® believes in the middle ground, and aspires to create an environment of āthoughtful disciplineā by integrating āsystemic disciplineā with āpurposeful personal leadershipā. TESQUIRĀ® provides the measure of excellence in your manufacturing function along its five component dimensions, and identifies entrenched mindsets related to the perceived importance of the two extreme approaches. Get TESQUIRĀ® to achieve manufacturing excellence by bringing to bear human elements, thereby moving some distance away from extreme systems-driven approaches.
Inspired by systems-driven approaches, manufacturing organisations run the risk of evolving into thoughtless and automated giants, sans the elevating influence of personal enterprise and leadership. TESQUIRĀ® believes in the middle ground, and creates an environment of āthoughtful disciplineā by integrating āsystemic disciplineā with āpurposeful personal leadershipā. TESQUIRĀ® measures your manufacturing excellence, and identifies entrenched mindsets related to the usefulness of varied manufacturing approaches.
Inspired by systems-driven approaches, manufacturing organisations run the risk of evolving into thoughtless and automated giants, sans the elevating influence of personal enterprise and leadership. TESQUIRĀ® believes in the middle ground, and creates an environment of āthoughtful disciplineā by integrating āsystemic disciplineā with āpurposeful personal leadershipā. TESQUIRĀ® measures your manufacturing excellence, and identifies entrenched mindsets related to the usefulness of varied manufacturing approaches.

Supply chain is the vascular system of the business enterprise. Despite the centrality of service, extreme ātechnology orientationā has robbed the āhuman elementā. Supply chain is now constituted as a composite of parameters, graphics, software and ERPs. SUPTORĀ® believes in the primacy of the human element in service. It comprehensively assesses service quality, measuring it along five dimensions. In addition, SUPTORĀ® unearths deep-seated mindsets related to the role of āhuman elementā and āsupply chain organisationā. Get SUPTORĀ® to shake off the technology-heavy view, and reach out to a more conventional model of supply chain service, to build back the lost qualities of human endeavour and overreach, and to deliberate with impact on the design choices of the supply chain organisation.
Supply chain is the vascular system of the business enterprise. Despite the centrality of service, extreme ātechnology orientationā has robbed the āhuman elementā. Supply chain is now constituted as a composite of parameters, graphics, software and ERPs. SUPTORĀ® believes in the primacy of the human element in service, and comprehensively assesses service quality along five dimensions. In addition, SUPTORĀ® unearths deep-seated mindsets related to the role of āhuman elementā and āsupply chain organisationā.
Supply chain is the vascular system of the business enterprise. Despite the centrality of service, extreme ātechnology orientationā has robbed the āhuman elementā. Supply chain is now constituted as a composite of parameters, graphics, software and ERPs. SUPTORĀ® believes in the primacy of the human element in service, and comprehensively assesses service quality along five dimensions. In addition, SUPTORĀ® unearths deep-seated mindsets related to the role of āhuman elementā and āsupply chain organisationā.

Sales functions have been polarised by experiential learnings and academic literature between āpush" and "pull" based models. WORVALĀ® considers the āpull versus pushā debate irrelevant. While āpull-based approachesā fail in the face of time-bound performance pressure, āpush-based approachesā rarely sustain. To find common ground, WORVALĀ® conceptualises the skill of āinfluencing through leadershipā by combining constructs of āmental statesā, influencing techniques and the āselling processā. WORVALĀ® helps you instill excellence by assessing organisational ability to āinfluence through leadershipā, and by unearthing deep-seated mindsets about selling approaches. Get WORVALĀ® to move away from the anachronistic āpush-pull debateā, and build the skill of influencing customers through situational leadership.
Sales functions have been polarised between āpush-drivenā and āpull-basedā models. WORVALĀ® considers the āpull versus pushā debate irrelevant. To find common ground, WORVALĀ® conceptualises the skill of āinfluencing through leadershipā by combining the constructs of āmental statesā, influencing techniques and the āselling processā. WORVALĀ® helps instil excellence by assessing the organisationās ability to āinfluence through leadershipā, and by unearthing deep-seated mindsets related to selling approaches.
Sales functions have been polarised between āpush-drivenā and āpull-basedā models. WORVALĀ® considers the āpull versus pushā debate irrelevant. To find common ground, WORVALĀ® conceptualises the skill of āinfluencing through leadershipā by combining the constructs of āmental statesā, influencing techniques and the āselling processā. WORVALĀ® helps instil excellence by assessing the organisationās ability to āinfluence through leadershipā, and by unearthing deep-seated mindsets related to selling approaches.
Despite the criticality of operations performance management in enterprise, traditional approaches fail to address important issues such as sustenance of high efficiency levels, role of āeffectivenessā, and synergies between human and infrastructural actors. ARDORENĀ® provides an in-depth evaluation of operations performance management, including disaggregated views comparing operations within sub-units and operating teams. Get ARDORENĀ® as your looking glass to view the quality of your operations, as well as your guidebook to recast it.
Industrial R&D functions run the risk of turning into inexorable machines that neither groom creativity nor harness serendipity. Processes in R&D purport to enhance certainty within a construct that is fundamentally fraught with uncertainty and randomness. PRODASETĀ® believes that ācreativityā, is neither wholly random, nor achievable through structure alone. PRODASETĀ® helps instil excellence in your R&D function by assessing ācreativityā along five dimensions and balancing between harnessing serendipity and enforcing process discipline.
Supply chain is the vascular system of the business enterprise. Despite the centrality of service, extreme ātechnology orientationā has robbed the function of its āhuman elementā. Supply chain is constituted as a composite of numbers, parameters, graphics, software and ERPs. SUPTORĀ® believes in the primacy of the human element in service, and provides a comprehensive assessment of service quality along five dimensions. In addition, SUPTORĀ® unearths deep-seated mindsets related to the role of āhuman elementā and āsupply chain organisationā.
Despite being among the most discussed constructs in the world of enterprise, the conception of āexecutionā remains hopelessly clichĆ©d. Thinkers pair āexecutionā with āleadershipā, or define āexecutionā as the follower and converse of āstrategyā. EXEMPLEMĀ® assesses the āquality of executionā against three characteristics that are instantiated by smooth execution: silent, relentless, self-adjusting. Get EXEMPLEMĀ® to free your organisation from the clichĆ©s and caricatures of execution, and comprehend and master the real construct.
Inspired by systems-driven approaches, manufacturing organisations run the risk of evolving into thoughtless and automated giants, sans the elevating influence of personal enterprise and leadership. TESQUIRĀ® believes in the middle ground, and creates an environment of āthoughtful disciplineā by integrating āsystemic disciplineā with āpurposeful personal leadershipā. TESQUIRĀ® measures your manufacturing excellence, and identifies entrenched mindsets related to the usefulness of varied manufacturing approaches.
Sales functions have been polarised between āpush-drivenā and āpull-basedā models. WORVALĀ® considers the āpull versus pushā debate irrelevant. To find common ground, WORVALĀ® conceptualises the skill of āinfluencing through leadershipā by combining the constructs of āmental statesā, influencing techniques and the āselling processā. WORVALĀ® helps instil excellence by assessing the organisationās ability to āinfluence through leadershipā, and by unearthing deep-seated mindsets related to selling approaches.
Despite the criticality of operations performance management in enterprise, traditional approaches fail to address important issues such as sustenance of high efficiency levels, role of āeffectivenessā, and synergies between human and infrastructural actors. ARDORENĀ® provides an in-depth evaluation of operations performance management, including disaggregated views comparing operations within sub-units and operating teams. Get ARDORENĀ® as your looking glass to view the quality of your operations, as well as your guidebook to recast it.
Inspired by systems-driven approaches, manufacturing organisations run the risk of evolving into thoughtless and automated giants, sans the elevating influence of personal enterprise and leadership. TESQUIRĀ® believes in the middle ground, and creates an environment of āthoughtful disciplineā by integrating āsystemic disciplineā with āpurposeful personal leadershipā. TESQUIRĀ® measures your manufacturing excellence, and identifies entrenched mindsets related to the usefulness of varied manufacturing approaches.
Despite being among the most discussed constructs in the world of enterprise, the conception of āexecutionā remains hopelessly clichĆ©d. Thinkers pair āexecutionā with āleadershipā, or define āexecutionā as the follower and converse of āstrategyā. EXEMPLEMĀ® assesses the āquality of executionā against three characteristics that are instantiated by smooth execution: silent, relentless, self-adjusting. Get EXEMPLEMĀ® to free your organisation from the clichĆ©s and caricatures of execution, and comprehend and master the real construct.
Supply chain is the vascular system of the business enterprise. Despite the centrality of service, extreme ātechnology orientationā has robbed the function of its āhuman elementā. Supply chain is constituted as a composite of numbers, parameters, graphics, software and ERPs. SUPTORĀ® believes in the primacy of the human element in service, and provides a comprehensive assessment of service quality along five dimensions. In addition, SUPTORĀ® unearths deep-seated mindsets related to the role of āhuman elementā and āsupply chain organisationā.
Industrial R&D functions run the risk of turning into inexorable machines that neither groom creativity nor harness serendipity. Processes in R&D purport to enhance certainty within a construct that is fundamentally fraught with uncertainty and randomness. PRODASETĀ® believes that ācreativityā, is neither wholly random, nor achievable through structure alone. PRODASETĀ® helps instil excellence in your R&D function by assessing ācreativityā along five dimensions and balancing between harnessing serendipity and enforcing process discipline.
Sales functions have been polarised between āpush-drivenā and āpull-basedā models. WORVALĀ® considers the āpull versus pushā debate irrelevant. To find common ground, WORVALĀ® conceptualises the skill of āinfluencing through leadershipā by combining the constructs of āmental statesā, influencing techniques and the āselling processā. WORVALĀ® helps instil excellence by assessing the organisationās ability to āinfluence through leadershipā, and by unearthing deep-seated mindsets related to selling approaches.

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