Hospitality institutions need to delve into the philosophy of hospitality, including its ways of life, and the characteristics of hospitable places, welcoming gestures and good hosts. Such foundational thinking is best drawn from the realms of spirituality and tradition. Furthermore, research in cognitive psychology has established that hospitality can bring about overall well-being and restoration through nurturance. Sustained excellence in hospitality is achieved when strategic and tactical actions stem from these philosophies and convictions, and their attendant mindsets and attitudes. In short, to create exemplary institutions, leaders in hospitality need to go far deeper than the usual preoccupation with the tactics of marketing and service.
How are leaders in hospitality to embrace concepts of well-being and restorative nurturance? What are implications for the hospitality environment, such that it can nurture and rejuvenate? What are the capabilities needed in order to be good hosts? How create an organisational climate that imbues frontline and supervisory cadre with an ethos of relentless service, and helps them use emotional intelligence to battle the debilitating effects of emotional labour?
Our thinking on ‘restorative nurturance’ outlines four elements of hospitality environment that a hospitality institution needs to build and sustain. First, the institution’s distal and proximal goals, as they relate to the central purpose of ‘restorative well-being’. Second, the identity that the employees have of guests (i.e., their customers) and hosts (i.e., themselves). Third, the business goals of the organisation expressed in terms of customer service. Fourth, the ideal way of life in a hospitality ecosystem, as expressed and exemplified by five core beliefs.
Our 6 products in ‘restorative nurturance’ are designed to support leaders of hospitality institutions strengthen the four aspects of the hospitality environment. Our products engage with important stakeholders including managerial and supervisory cadre, frontline employees, and regular guests. They shine the light on problems and solutions through insightful analytics and research, and communicate through candid and comprehensive reports.
Research in cognitive psychology has established that hospitality can lead to well-being and restoration through nurturance. To achieve this, hospitality institutions need to draw on spirituality and tradition, and delve into the philosophy of hospitality, its ways of life, and the characteristics of hospitable places, welcoming gestures and good hosts. How are leaders to strengthen the hospitality environment through concepts of well-being and ‘restorative nurturance’? Our thinking outlines four elements of hospitality environment: distal and proximal goals; identity of guests and hosts; expression of business goals; and the ideal way of a hospitable life. Our 6 products in ‘restorative nurturance’ support leaders in hospitality strengthen the four environmental aspects and resolve relevant issues.
Research in cognitive psychology has established that hospitality can lead to well-being and restoration through nurturance. To achieve this, hospitality institutions need to draw on spirituality and tradition, and delve into the philosophy of hospitality, its ways of life, and the characteristics of hospitable places, welcoming gestures and good hosts. How are leaders to strengthen the hospitality environment through concepts of well-being and ‘restorative nurturance’? Our thinking outlines four elements of hospitality environment: distal and proximal goals; identity of guests and hosts; expression of business goals; and the ideal way of a hospitable life. Our 6 products in ‘restorative nurturance’ support leaders in hospitality strengthen the four environmental aspects and resolve relevant issues.

Our Products in Development Nurturance for Schools

Over five decades of research has undeniably established the restorative qualities of hospitality. It is our belief that hospitality’s central aim should be to enhance overall well-being through its powers of ‘restorative nurturance’. Combined with philosophies from tradition and spirituality, such nurturance provides a picture of ‘way of life in hospitality’ and features of ‘ideal hosts’ and ‘hospitable places’. It is on that basis that REJUVIRON® assesses the hospitality environment proffered by your organisation including its hospitality goals; ‘way of life’ along five belief-oriented dimensions; and its measure vis-à-vis characteristics of ‘hospitable places, gestures and hosts’. Get REJUVIRON® if you believe in the nurturing and restoring powers of hospitality, and want to create a matchless restorative recreational and leisure experience.
Decades of research has established hospitality's restorative qualities. We believe that hospitality’s aim is to enhance well-being through ‘restorative nurturance’. REJUVIRON® assesses the hospitality environment of your organisation including its hospitality goals; ‘way of life’ on five belief-oriented dimensions; and its measure vis-à-vis traits of ‘hospitable places, gestures and hosts’. Get REJUVIRON® if you believe that hospitality nurtures and restores, and want to create a matchless recreational and leisure experience.
Decades of research has established hospitality's restorative qualities. We believe that hospitality’s aim is to enhance well-being through ‘restorative nurturance’. REJUVIRON® assesses the hospitality environment of your organisation including its hospitality goals; ‘way of life’ on five belief-oriented dimensions; and its measure vis-à-vis traits of ‘hospitable places, gestures and hosts’. Get REJUVIRON® if you believe that hospitality nurtures and restores, and want to create a matchless recreational and leisure experience.

Research has established that organisation climate is the most critical determinant of quality in hospitality, ahead even of the service predisposition of individual service providers. Furthermore, organisation climate has a material influence on service predisposition. Also, importantly, organisation climate enables a stable pattern of social interaction behaviour during service encounters leading to service reliability. OCLIME® provides a rich view of the climate of your organisation along a set of seven dimensions and outlines the impact of this organisational climate on service predispositions of employees, service goals held by your organisation, and quality of customer facing processes. Get OCLIME® if you believe that organisation climate is of special relevance in hospitality, and want to enrichen the climate of your institution.
Research has established organisation climate as the most critical determinant of hospitality quality, ahead even of service predisposition. Strong climate enables a stable pattern of social behaviour during service encounters leading to reliability. OCLIME® provides a view of your organisation climate along seven dimensions and gauges its impact on service predisposition, service goals and process quality. Get OCLIME® if you are an advocate of organisation climate in hospitality, and want to enrichen your institution’s climate.
Research has established organisation climate as the most critical determinant of hospitality quality, ahead even of service predisposition. Strong climate enables a stable pattern of social behaviour during service encounters leading to reliability. OCLIME® provides a view of your organisation climate along seven dimensions and gauges its impact on service predisposition, service goals and process quality. Get OCLIME® if you are an advocate of organisation climate in hospitality, and want to enrichen your institution’s climate.

Guiding the guest’s mind towards positive aspects of her experience is an impactful marketing measure for creating happy customers. Research in cognitive psychology has confirmed that mindfulness while experiencing pleasure and anticipation prior to the event enhance customer’s perception of the overall experience. GUIDEN® builds on this phenomenon to provide a candid picture of how good you are at leveraging positive guest experiences, and identify interventions linked to psychological signalling, anticipation, imagery creation and self-observation. GUIDEN® is underpinned by the principle that “it is as impactful, if not more, to emphasise pleasant experiences as it is to mitigate unpleasant ones”. Get GUIDEN® if your organisation is not generating customer goodwill commensurate with its good work.
Cognitive psychology has established that guiding the guest’s mind towards positive experiences enhances her perception of the overall experience. GUIDEN® believes that “it is as impactful, if not more, to emphasise pleasant experiences as it is to mitigate unpleasant ones”. GUIDEN® assesses how well you leverage positive guest experiences, and identifies interventions in psychological signalling, anticipation, imagery creation and self-observation. Get GUIDEN® if your organisation is not generating goodwill despite its good work.
Cognitive psychology has established that guiding the guest’s mind towards positive experiences enhances her perception of the overall experience. GUIDEN® believes that “it is as impactful, if not more, to emphasise pleasant experiences as it is to mitigate unpleasant ones”. GUIDEN® assesses how well you leverage positive guest experiences, and identifies interventions in psychological signalling, anticipation, imagery creation and self-observation. Get GUIDEN® if your organisation is not generating goodwill despite its good work.

Service quality is a complex concept given the intangibility, inseparability, heterogeneity and perishability of services. It turns further complicated in hospitality given the difficulty in articulating characteristics of ‘good perceived quality’ and the strong influence of ‘emotional labour’ on employee performance. QUALEST® cuts through the complexity and gives you a grip on your institution’s service quality. It is a deep versatile product that links quality to customer context and wants; assesses quality of various facets of organisation including service behaviour, problem incidences, and business processes; adopts objective as well as subjective quality measurement; and conducts gap analysis to estimate drivers of lost quality. Get QUALEST® if quality is one of your top three prerogatives for your organisation.
Service quality, a complex concept, turns further complicated in hospitality given the difficulty of defining ‘good perceived quality’ and the influence of ‘emotional labour’ on performance. QUALEST® is a versatile product that cuts through this complexity and links quality to customer context and wants; assesses quality of various facets including service behaviour, problem incidences, and processes; and estimates drivers of lost quality. Get QUALEST® if quality is one of your top three prerogatives for your hospitality organisation.
Service quality, a complex concept, turns further complicated in hospitality given the difficulty of defining ‘good perceived quality’ and the influence of ‘emotional labour’ on performance. QUALEST® is a versatile product that cuts through this complexity and links quality to customer context and wants; assesses quality of various facets including service behaviour, problem incidences, and processes; and estimates drivers of lost quality. Get QUALEST® if quality is one of your top three prerogatives for your hospitality organisation.

It is indisputable that host’s capabilities will determine the quality of hospitality. HOSTELLAR® provides a diagnostic of how capable the organisation and its employees are in their primary role of ‘hosts’. HOSTELLAR® profiles host’s capabilities for an entire organisation, for departmental units and teams, and for individual employees. On the basis of research over decades, we believe that attitudes and traits in hospitality are distinct from those needed in services in general. ‘Service predisposition’ in hospitality is a unique concept. HOSTELLAR® functions around a four-layered framework custom-designed for hospitality, and includes inner qualities, identity of self, attitudes and agency, and behavioural traits. Get HOSTELLAR® if you need a candid view of how good a host your organisation is, with the goal to enhance and embellish that picture.
Research has established that traits in hospitality are distinct from those needed in other services. ‘Service predisposition’ in hospitality is a unique concept. HOSTELLAR® diagnoses the skills of the organisation and its employees in their primary role of ‘hosts’. HOSTELLAR® has a four-layered framework custom-designed for hospitality, including inner qualities, self identity, attitudes and agency, and behavioural traits. Get HOSTELLAR® for a candid view of how good a host your organisation is, and to improve that picture.
Research has established that traits in hospitality are distinct from those needed in other services. ‘Service predisposition’ in hospitality is a unique concept. HOSTELLAR® diagnoses the skills of the organisation and its employees in their primary role of ‘hosts’. HOSTELLAR® has a four-layered framework custom-designed for hospitality, including inner qualities, self identity, attitudes and agency, and behavioural traits. Get HOSTELLAR® for a candid view of how good a host your organisation is, and to improve that picture.

Emotional labour is a stark reality in hospitality. While it is the primary coping mechanism for hospitality employees, it is also the main reason behind employee unhappiness, untimely burnout and declining performance. Emotional labour causes emotional dissonance, emotional exhaustion, interpersonal stressors and conflict. The emotional depletion caused by emotional labour affects employee’s ability to attend to her job, leading to burnout. EMLABOR® characterises the level and nature of emotional labour within your organisation, identifies underlying drivers, and outlines its impact on employee burnout. Get EMLABOR® for an insightful view of how emotional labour afflicts your institution, and to identify interventions to manage and mitigate, with the ultimate goal of enhancing job satisfaction and employee productivity.
Emotional labour is the primary coping mechanism for hospitality employees, and the main reason behind employee unhappiness, untimely burnout and declining performance. It causes emotional dissonance and exhaustion, interpersonal stressors and conflict. EMLABOR® assesses the level and nature of emotional labour in your organisation, and its impact on employee burnout. Get EMLABOR® to view how emotional labour afflicts your institution, identify interventions to mitigate, and ultimately enhance employee productivity.
Emotional labour is the primary coping mechanism for hospitality employees, and the main reason behind employee unhappiness, untimely burnout and declining performance. It causes emotional dissonance and exhaustion, interpersonal stressors and conflict. EMLABOR® assesses the level and nature of emotional labour in your organisation, and its impact on employee burnout. Get EMLABOR® to view how emotional labour afflicts your institution, identify interventions to mitigate, and ultimately enhance employee productivity.
Decades of research has established the restorative qualities of hospitality. It is our belief that hospitality’s aim should be to enhance well-being through ‘restorative nurturance’. REJUVIRON® assesses the hospitality environment of your organisation including its hospitality goals; ‘way of life’ along five belief-oriented dimensions; and its measure vis-à-vis characteristics of ‘hospitable places, gestures and hosts’. Get REJUVIRON® if you believe that hospitality nurtures and restores, and want to create a matchless recreational and leisure experience.
Cognitive psychology has established that guiding the guest’s mind towards positive aspects of her experience enhances her perception of the overall experience. GUIDEN® believes that “it is as impactful, if not more, to emphasise pleasant experiences as it is to mitigate unpleasant ones”. GUIDEN® characterises how well you leverage positive guest experiences, and identifies interventions in psychological signalling, anticipation, imagery creation and self-observation. Get GUIDEN® if your organisation is not generating goodwill despite its good work.
Research has established that attitudes and traits in hospitality are distinct from those needed in services in general. ‘Service predisposition’ in hospitality is a unique concept. HOSTELLAR® diagnoses the capability of the organisation and its employees in their primary role of ‘hosts’. HOSTELLAR® has a four-layered framework custom-designed for hospitality, including inner qualities, identity of self, attitudes and agency, and behavioural traits. Get HOSTELLAR® for a candid view of how good a host your organisation is, with the goal to improve that picture.
Research has established organisation climate as the most critical determinant of hospitality quality, ahead even of service predisposition. Strong climate enables a stable pattern of social behaviour during service encounters leading to reliability. OCLIME® enables you to view your organisation climate along seven dimensions and understand its impact on service predisposition, service goals and process quality. Get OCLIME® if you advocate the special relevance of organisation climate in hospitality, and want to enrichen your institution’s climate.
Service quality, a complex concept, turns further complicated in hospitality given the difficulty of defining ‘good perceived quality’ and the influence of ‘emotional labour’ on performance. QUALEST® is a versatile product that cuts through this complexity and links quality to customer context and wants; assesses quality of various facets including service behaviour, problem incidences, and processes; and estimates drivers of lost quality. Get QUALEST® if quality is one of your top three prerogatives for your hospitality organisation.
Emotional labour is the primary coping mechanism for hospitality employees, and also the main reason behind employee unhappiness, untimely burnout and declining performance. It causes emotional dissonance and exhaustion, interpersonal stressors and conflict. EMLABOR® characterises the level and nature of emotional labour in your organisation, and its impact on employee burnout. Get EMLABOR® to view how emotional labour afflicts your institution, identify interventions to mitigate, and ultimately enhance employee productivity.
Decades of research has established the restorative qualities of hospitality. It is our belief that hospitality’s aim should be to enhance well-being through ‘restorative nurturance’. REJUVIRON® assesses the hospitality environment of your organisation including its hospitality goals; ‘way of life’ along five belief-oriented dimensions; and its measure vis-à-vis characteristics of ‘hospitable places, gestures and hosts’. Get REJUVIRON® if you believe that hospitality nurtures and restores, and want to create a matchless recreational and leisure experience.
Service quality, a complex concept, turns further complicated in hospitality given the difficulty of defining ‘good perceived quality’ and the influence of ‘emotional labour’ on performance. QUALEST® is a versatile product that cuts through this complexity and links quality to customer context and wants; assesses quality of various facets including service behaviour, problem incidences, and processes; and estimates drivers of lost quality. Get QUALEST® if quality is one of your top three prerogatives for your hospitality organisation.
Research has established organisation climate as the most critical determinant of hospitality quality, ahead even of service predisposition. Strong climate enables a stable pattern of social behaviour during service encounters leading to reliability. OCLIME® enables you to view your organisation climate along seven dimensions and understand its impact on service predisposition, service goals and process quality. Get OCLIME® if you advocate the special relevance of organisation climate in hospitality, and want to enrichen your institution’s climate.
Research has established that attitudes and traits in hospitality are distinct from those needed in services in general. ‘Service predisposition’ in hospitality is a unique concept. HOSTELLAR® diagnoses the capability of the organisation and its employees in their primary role of ‘hosts’. HOSTELLAR® has a four-layered framework custom-designed for hospitality, including inner qualities, identity of self, attitudes and agency, and behavioural traits. Get HOSTELLAR® for a candid view of how good a host your organisation is, with the goal to improve that picture.
Cognitive psychology has established that guiding the guest’s mind towards positive aspects of her experience enhances her perception of the overall experience. GUIDEN® believes that “it is as impactful, if not more, to emphasise pleasant experiences as it is to mitigate unpleasant ones”. GUIDEN® characterises how well you leverage positive guest experiences, and identifies interventions in psychological signalling, anticipation, imagery creation and self-observation. Get GUIDEN® if your organisation is not generating goodwill despite its good work.
Emotional labour is the primary coping mechanism for hospitality employees, and also the main reason behind employee unhappiness, untimely burnout and declining performance. It causes emotional dissonance and exhaustion, interpersonal stressors and conflict. EMLABOR® characterises the level and nature of emotional labour in your organisation, and its impact on employee burnout. Get EMLABOR® to view how emotional labour afflicts your institution, identify interventions to mitigate, and ultimately enhance employee productivity.

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