STRATMAST® helps principals use their schools’ master schedules as strategic tools for productivity enhancement, priority setting, resource allocation and participative planning. With STRATMAST®, you make your school more effective (and not just more efficient), enhance productivity of the school’s resources, get inputs from all stakeholders and secure their commitment, generate the schedule well in time, and remain in control of the process. The design of STRATMAST® is based on its five-part framework comprising the modules of Reflection, Contextualising, Alignment, Decision making and Communication. STRATMAST® does all the difficult and nuanced work for you, and provides you with all inputs you will need to insert into the school’s master schedule template for the upcoming year.
STRATMAST® helps principals use master schedules as strategic tools for productivity enhancement, priority setting, resource allocation and participative planning. STRATMAST® makes your school more effective, enhances productivity of resources, secures commitment of stakeholders, generates the schedule well in time, and helps you remain in control of the process. STRATMAST® design comprises Reflection, Contextualising, Alignment, Decision making and Communication. STRATMAST® does the difficult work, providing you with strategic inputs for the master schedule of the upcoming year.
STRATMAST® helps principals use master schedules as strategic tools for productivity enhancement, priority setting, resource allocation and participative planning. STRATMAST® makes your school more effective, enhances productivity of resources, secures commitment of stakeholders, generates the schedule well in time, and helps you remain in control of the process. STRATMAST® design comprises Reflection, Contextualising, Alignment, Decision making and Communication. STRATMAST® does the difficult work, providing you with strategic inputs for the master schedule of the upcoming year.
STRATMAST® helps principals use master schedules as strategic tools for productivity enhancement, priority setting, resource allocation and participative planning. STRATMAST® makes your school more effective, enhances productivity of resources, secures commitment of stakeholders, generates the schedule well in time, and helps you remain in control of the process. STRATMAST® design comprises Reflection, Contextualising, Alignment, Decision making and Communication. STRATMAST® does the difficult work, providing you with strategic inputs for the master schedule of the upcoming year.
Why worry about the "master schedule"? Why get STRATMAST®?
The master schedule anchors the school’s operations and links all activities to the school’s goals of student learning and student outcomes. Strategic deployment of the master schedule can lead to significant improvements in productivity, goal achievement and participation. However, the master schedule is mostly used as a tactical tool for allocating resources during the academic year, often with the help of quantitative analysis. In such situations, principals miss out on the opportunity to galvanise the school system through reflection, priority setting, dialogues and alignment. STRATMAST® allows you to do all this with ease and dexterity, and as a result, you link resources to goals, save resources, gain alignment and commitment, and personally remain in control of the planning and scheduling process.
The master schedule anchors all of the school’s operations and links all activities to the goals of learning and outcomes. When deployed strategically, the master schedule can lead to major improvements in productivity, goal achievement and participation. However, the master schedule is mostly used quantitatively for allocating resources. Principals miss out on the opportunity to galvanise the school system through priority setting, reflections and dialogues. STRATMAST® allows you to link the school's resources to its goals, gain alignment and commitment, and personally remain in control of the planning and scheduling process.
The master schedule anchors all of the school’s operations and links all activities to the goals of learning and outcomes. When deployed strategically, the master schedule can lead to major improvements in productivity, goal achievement and participation. However, the master schedule is mostly used quantitatively for allocating resources. Principals miss out on the opportunity to galvanise the school system through priority setting, reflections and dialogues. STRATMAST® allows you to link the school's resources to its goals, gain alignment and commitment, and personally remain in control of the planning and scheduling process.
The master schedule anchors all of the school’s operations and links all activities to the goals of learning and outcomes. When deployed strategically, the master schedule can lead to major improvements in productivity, goal achievement and participation. However, the master schedule is mostly used quantitatively for allocating resources. Principals miss out on the opportunity to galvanise the school system through priority setting, reflections and dialogues. STRATMAST® allows you to link the school's resources to its goals, gain alignment and commitment, and personally remain in control of the planning and scheduling process.

Who will benefit from STRATMAST®?

Principals are the primary beneficiaries of STRATMAST®. Now they can start the process early, emphasise on priorities, save while wisely deploying resources, carry everyone along, and be in control. Students are the ultimate beneficiaries as they gain from more meaningful engagement, greater number of choices, an optimised curricular and extra-curricular schedule, and better outcomes. Teachers and parents benefit as well. Teachers and administrative staff have their inputs heard out, considered and often incorporated. The STRATMAST® process keeps teachers motivated and helps secure their commitment, as they perceive their efforts to be now more strongly linked to student learning. Finally, parents value the opportunity to be involved through the consultation process that STRATMAST® offers.
Principals are the primary beneficiaries of STRATMAST®. They can start the process early, emphasise on priorities, save while wisely deploying resources, carry everyone along, and be in control. Ultimately, students benefit from more meaningful engagement, greater number of choices, an optimised curricular and extra-curricular schedule, and better outcomes. The STRATMAST® process keeps teachers motivated and committed as they have their inputs considered and often incorporated. Finally, parents value the opportunity to be involved through the consultation process that STRATMAST® offers.
Principals are the primary beneficiaries of STRATMAST®. They can start the process early, emphasise on priorities, save while wisely deploying resources, carry everyone along, and be in control. Ultimately, students benefit from more meaningful engagement, greater number of choices, an optimised curricular and extra-curricular schedule, and better outcomes. The STRATMAST® process keeps teachers motivated and committed as they have their inputs considered and often incorporated. Finally, parents value the opportunity to be involved through the consultation process that STRATMAST® offers.
Principals are the primary beneficiaries of STRATMAST®. They can start the process early, emphasise on priorities, save while wisely deploying resources, carry everyone along, and be in control. Ultimately, students benefit from more meaningful engagement, greater number of choices, an optimised curricular and extra-curricular schedule, and better outcomes. The STRATMAST® process keeps teachers motivated and committed as they have their inputs considered and often incorporated. Finally, parents value the opportunity to be involved through the consultation process that STRATMAST® offers.
Where (in which settings) should you get STRATMAST®?
Get STRATMAST® if you are convinced of the presence of any of the following seven factors in your school system. First, the ‘goal factor’: is the current master schedule able to maximise achievement of the school’s student related goals? Second, the ‘productivity factor’: can the schedule be made to work harder and save resources? Third, the ‘strategy factor’: is the schedule being used merely as a tactical optimisation tool? Fourth, the ‘transition factor’: are the school’s priorities shifting significantly? Fifth, the ‘complexity factor’: has the master schedule process become overly complex and difficult to manage? Sixth, the ‘inclusion factor’: do you feel that the schedule needs to be developed in a more inclusive manner? Seventh, the ‘control factor’: will the schedule benefit from control and oversight by you?
Get STRATMAST® if you feel the presence of one or more of the following seven factors in your school system. ‘Goal factor’: can the master schedule enhance the achievement of student related goals? ‘Productivity factor’: can the schedule save resources? ‘Strategy factor’: is the schedule being used merely as a tactical optimisation tool? ‘Transition factor’: are the school’s priorities shifting? ‘Complexity factor’: is the planning process overly complex? ‘Inclusion factor’: can the schedule involve more? ‘Control factor’: will the schedule benefit from more control and oversight by you?
Get STRATMAST® if you feel the presence of one or more of the following seven factors in your school system. ‘Goal factor’: can the master schedule enhance the achievement of student related goals? ‘Productivity factor’: can the schedule save resources? ‘Strategy factor’: is the schedule being used merely as a tactical optimisation tool? ‘Transition factor’: are the school’s priorities shifting? ‘Complexity factor’: is the planning process overly complex? ‘Inclusion factor’: can the schedule involve more? ‘Control factor’: will the schedule benefit from more control and oversight by you?
Get STRATMAST® if you feel the presence of one or more of the following seven factors in your school system. ‘Goal factor’: can the master schedule enhance the achievement of student related goals? ‘Productivity factor’: can the schedule save resources? ‘Strategy factor’: is the schedule being used merely as a tactical optimisation tool? ‘Transition factor’: are the school’s priorities shifting? ‘Complexity factor’: is the planning process overly complex? ‘Inclusion factor’: can the schedule involve more? ‘Control factor’: will the schedule benefit from more control and oversight by you?

How does STRATMAST® work?

The design of STRATMAST® is based on our proprietary framework for the ‘strategic development and deployment of the school master schedule’. STRATMAST® completes the four stages of ‘installation’, ‘engagement’, ‘analysis’ and ‘dissemination’ over six weeks. To install STRATMAST®, the principal outlines her views on the strengths and challenges of the current schedule, and identifies stakeholders who will participate and provide inputs. STRATMAST® then undergoes the first two modules of ‘Reflection’ and ‘Contextualisation’ by engaging with teachers, administrative staff, parents and students. Data analysis leads to the next two modules of ‘Alignment’ and ‘Decisioning’. ‘Communication’, the final module, is designed to support the principal’s communication with stakeholders.
STRATMAST® design is based on our proprietary framework called ‘strategic development and deployment of the school master schedule’. STRATMAST® helps you with ‘installation’, ‘engagement’, ‘analysis’ and ‘dissemination’ in six weeks. At the outset, the principal outlines challenges of the current schedule, and nominates input providers. For the first two modules of ‘Reflection’ and ‘Contextualisation’, STRATMAST® engages with teachers, parents and students. Data analysis helps in ‘Alignment’ and ‘Decisioning’, followed by ‘Communication’ from the principal to all stakeholders.
STRATMAST® design is based on our proprietary framework called ‘strategic development and deployment of the school master schedule’. STRATMAST® helps you with ‘installation’, ‘engagement’, ‘analysis’ and ‘dissemination’ in six weeks. At the outset, the principal outlines challenges of the current schedule, and nominates input providers. For the first two modules of ‘Reflection’ and ‘Contextualisation’, STRATMAST® engages with teachers, parents and students. Data analysis helps in ‘Alignment’ and ‘Decisioning’, followed by ‘Communication’ from the principal to all stakeholders.
STRATMAST® design is based on our proprietary framework called ‘strategic development and deployment of the school master schedule’. STRATMAST® helps you with ‘installation’, ‘engagement’, ‘analysis’ and ‘dissemination’ in six weeks. At the outset, the principal outlines challenges of the current schedule, and nominates input providers. For the first two modules of ‘Reflection’ and ‘Contextualisation’, STRATMAST® engages with teachers, parents and students. Data analysis helps in ‘Alignment’ and ‘Decisioning’, followed by ‘Communication’ from the principal to all stakeholders.
When during the academic term should you get STRATMAST®?
From when you are ready to start, STRATMAST® requires six weeks to go through the ‘installing’, ‘engaging’, ‘analysing’ and ‘disseminating’ phases. We advise principals to start early. Get STRATMAST® as early as January to have enough time to deftly structure the reflection, engagement, input gathering and synthesis activities. The aim should be to get the outputs from STRATMAST® by end-February. The principal is then equipped with all resources needed to feed inputs into the master schedule template for the upcoming year. She will also have time for personalised or group discussions with stakeholders to secure commitment (i.e., with the help of outputs from STRATMAST®). Getting STRATMAST® at the start of second term will ensure that everyone leaves for summer vacation with a clear idea of the next year.
We advise principals to start early. Get STRATMAST® as early as January to get enough time to deftly structure the reflection, engagement, input gathering and synthesis activities. The aim should be to get STRATMAST® outputs by end-February. The principal is then equipped with all resources needed for the master schedule template for the upcoming year. She will also have time enough for group or personalised discussions with stakeholders to secure commitment. Getting STRATMAST® at the start of second term will ensure that everyone leaves for summer vacation with a clear idea of the next year.
We advise principals to start early. Get STRATMAST® as early as January to get enough time to deftly structure the reflection, engagement, input gathering and synthesis activities. The aim should be to get STRATMAST® outputs by end-February. The principal is then equipped with all resources needed for the master schedule template for the upcoming year. She will also have time enough for group or personalised discussions with stakeholders to secure commitment. Getting STRATMAST® at the start of second term will ensure that everyone leaves for summer vacation with a clear idea of the next year.
We advise principals to start early. Get STRATMAST® as early as January to get enough time to deftly structure the reflection, engagement, input gathering and synthesis activities. The aim should be to get STRATMAST® outputs by end-February. The principal is then equipped with all resources needed for the master schedule template for the upcoming year. She will also have time enough for group or personalised discussions with stakeholders to secure commitment. Getting STRATMAST® at the start of second term will ensure that everyone leaves for summer vacation with a clear idea of the next year.

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