What is UTODEL®?

Management of people’s performance has remained steeped in principles of ‘behaviourism’, ever since the latter’s advent in the 1920s. Despite the demise of ‘behaviourism’ during the late 20th century, performance management remains an isolated bastion for its practices. In stark contrast, UTODEL® adopts principles of humanistic psychology that emphasize the individual’s inherent drive towards self-actualisation and to attend to the phenomena of free will, creativity and positive human potential. With such underpinnings, UTODEL® provides a perceptive analysis of performance management systems, identifies causal relations between the process and motivation, and identifies methodological opportunities to shift extrinsically driven mechanistic approaches to intrinsically driven humanistic ones.
Performance management has remained steeped in ‘behaviourism’ since the 1920s. Despite the latter’s demise in late 20th century, performance management remains an isolated bastion of ‘behaviourism’. In stark contrast, UTODEL® embraces humanistic psychology emphasizing self-actualisation, free will, creativity and human potential. With such underpinnings, UTODEL® analyses performance management systems, establishes causal relations with motivation, and identifies methodological opportunities to shift extrinsic mechanistic approaches to intrinsic humanistic ones.
Performance management has remained steeped in ‘behaviourism’ since the 1920s. Despite the latter’s demise in late 20th century, performance management remains an isolated bastion of ‘behaviourism’. In stark contrast, UTODEL® embraces humanistic psychology emphasizing self-actualisation, free will, creativity and human potential. With such underpinnings, UTODEL® analyses performance management systems, establishes causal relations with motivation, and identifies methodological opportunities to shift extrinsic mechanistic approaches to intrinsic humanistic ones.
Performance management has remained steeped in ‘behaviourism’ since the 1920s. Despite the latter’s demise in late 20th century, performance management remains an isolated bastion of ‘behaviourism’. In stark contrast, UTODEL® embraces humanistic psychology emphasizing self-actualisation, free will, creativity and human potential. With such underpinnings, UTODEL® analyses performance management systems, establishes causal relations with motivation, and identifies methodological opportunities to shift extrinsic mechanistic approaches to intrinsic humanistic ones.
Why worry about "people performance"? Why get UTODEL®?
People performance management is a complex topic. Behaviourism deals with this complexity by strengthening the mechanistic aspects of the process. In this regard, the central precept from behaviourism is that: the behaviour of employees is either reflexes produced by response to a certain stimulus, or a consequence of the individual’s history, including especially reinforcement and punishment. Such a methodological attitude to people management is hopelessly anachronous. Scaling up of roles, when juxtaposed against the supply paucity of evolved talent, necessitates the adoption of humanistic approaches. UTODEL® does just this. It gives you a clear picture of how contemporary your performance management process is, and leverages its humanistic grounding to identify opportunities to transform.
Behaviourism deals with the complexity of performance management by further mechanising it. The central precept remains that: employee behaviour is either reflexes as responses to stimuli, or consequences of the individual’s history of reinforcement and punishment. Such a methodological attitude is hopelessly anachronous. Scaling up of roles, coupled with talent paucity, necessitates humanistic approaches. UTODEL® provides just this through its inherent humanism. It gives a clear picture of how contemporary your performance management is, and identifies ideas to transform.
Behaviourism deals with the complexity of performance management by further mechanising it. The central precept remains that: employee behaviour is either reflexes as responses to stimuli, or consequences of the individual’s history of reinforcement and punishment. Such a methodological attitude is hopelessly anachronous. Scaling up of roles, coupled with talent paucity, necessitates humanistic approaches. UTODEL® provides just this through its inherent humanism. It gives a clear picture of how contemporary your performance management is, and identifies ideas to transform.
Behaviourism deals with the complexity of performance management by further mechanising it. The central precept remains that: employee behaviour is either reflexes as responses to stimuli, or consequences of the individual’s history of reinforcement and punishment. Such a methodological attitude is hopelessly anachronous. Scaling up of roles, coupled with talent paucity, necessitates humanistic approaches. UTODEL® provides just this through its inherent humanism. It gives a clear picture of how contemporary your performance management is, and identifies ideas to transform.

Who will benefit from UTODEL®?

UTODEL® benefits a broad range of stakeholders. The organisation is the principal beneficiary. It benefits from the possible primary outcomes of enhanced motivation and reduced attrition, and derivatively from improved performance. Yet another outcome, of a rise in collective morale and motivation, is not an insignificant one. Benefit accrues to promising talent in their middle years through the opportunities they get to better comprehend and actualise their potential. Benefit accrues to young and restless talent, as they find a performance environment that is contemporary, and that views them as ‘whole persons’ who are greater than the sum of their parts. UTODEL® has the effect of nurturing self-exploration, leading to an organisation that is comfortably self-aware and mindful in its thinking, behaviour and actions.
UTODEL® benefits principally the organisation, through the primary outcomes of enhanced motivation and reduced attrition, and derivatively from improved performance. Besides, the rise in collective morale is not an insignificant outcome. Promising talent in middle years benefit from opportunities to better actualise their potential. Young restless talent benefit from a contemporary environment that views them as ‘whole persons’ who are greater than the sum of their parts. UTODEL® nurtures self-exploration, causing the organisation to be self-aware and mindful in its thinking and action.
UTODEL® benefits principally the organisation, through the primary outcomes of enhanced motivation and reduced attrition, and derivatively from improved performance. Besides, the rise in collective morale is not an insignificant outcome. Promising talent in middle years benefit from opportunities to better actualise their potential. Young restless talent benefit from a contemporary environment that views them as ‘whole persons’ who are greater than the sum of their parts. UTODEL® nurtures self-exploration, causing the organisation to be self-aware and mindful in its thinking and action.
UTODEL® benefits principally the organisation, through the primary outcomes of enhanced motivation and reduced attrition, and derivatively from improved performance. Besides, the rise in collective morale is not an insignificant outcome. Promising talent in middle years benefit from opportunities to better actualise their potential. Young restless talent benefit from a contemporary environment that views them as ‘whole persons’ who are greater than the sum of their parts. UTODEL® nurtures self-exploration, causing the organisation to be self-aware and mindful in its thinking and action.
Where (in which settings) should you get UTODEL®?
Get UTODEL® if you can sense any of the following six indications. The first three are related to outcomes, and the next three related directly to the process itself. The first indication is an unnatural and non-systemic attrition that outlies industry standards and your organisation’s expectations. The second is patterns of modest performance from employees who have traditionally been strong performers. The third is when movement of employees across roles has turned minimal or stagnated altogether. The fourth indication is when the process has an inordinate emphasis on quantitative measures. The fifth is when the individual’s narrative goes missing in people discussions. The sixth, and probably the most telling one, is when Human Resource employees get more excited about the process than employees at large.
Get UTODEL® if you sense any of the following six indications. First, you observe an unnatural and non-systemic attrition that outlies the standards of the industry and organisation. Second, patterns of modest performance from employees who have been strong performers traditionally. Third, when employee movement across roles has stagnated. Fourth, when the process has inordinate emphasis on quantitative measures. Fifth, when the individual’s narrative goes missing in people discussions. Sixth, and the most telling, when Human Resource is more excited about the process than employees at large.
Get UTODEL® if you sense any of the following six indications. First, you observe an unnatural and non-systemic attrition that outlies the standards of the industry and organisation. Second, patterns of modest performance from employees who have been strong performers traditionally. Third, when employee movement across roles has stagnated. Fourth, when the process has inordinate emphasis on quantitative measures. Fifth, when the individual’s narrative goes missing in people discussions. Sixth, and the most telling, when Human Resource is more excited about the process than employees at large.
Get UTODEL® if you sense any of the following six indications. First, you observe an unnatural and non-systemic attrition that outlies the standards of the industry and organisation. Second, patterns of modest performance from employees who have been strong performers traditionally. Third, when employee movement across roles has stagnated. Fourth, when the process has inordinate emphasis on quantitative measures. Fifth, when the individual’s narrative goes missing in people discussions. Sixth, and the most telling, when Human Resource is more excited about the process than employees at large.

How does UTODEL® work?

UTODEL® is inspired by the five foundational principles of humanistic philosophy laid down by James Bugental during the early days of its conception. These principles are concerned with ‘human potential’, ‘human context’, ‘awareness’, ‘natural responsibility’ and ‘progress and meaning’. They inspire our proprietary HUMAN framework, which serves as the underpinnings of UTODEL®. The four stages of ‘installation’, ‘engagement’, ‘analysis’ and ‘dissemination’ last over a period of ten weeks. To install UTODEL®, you will outline the indications of behaviourist mindsets; scope the research exercise; and identify respondents and resource materials. UTODEL® will engage with these resources, and upon completion of statistical and qualitative analysis, make available the research outcomes for the leadership.
UTODEL® is inspired by the five foundational principles of humanism laid down by James Bugental, related to ‘human potential’, ‘human context’, ‘awareness’, ‘natural responsibility’ and ‘progress and meaning’. Our proprietary HUMAN framework underpins UTODEL®. You will ‘install’, ‘engage’, ‘analyse’ and ‘disseminate’ within ten weeks. To install, you will identify behaviourist mindsets; scope the research; and identify respondents and resource materials. UTODEL® will engage with respondents, conduct statistical and qualitative analysis, and make the research outcome available for leadership.
UTODEL® is inspired by the five foundational principles of humanism laid down by James Bugental, related to ‘human potential’, ‘human context’, ‘awareness’, ‘natural responsibility’ and ‘progress and meaning’. Our proprietary HUMAN framework underpins UTODEL®. You will ‘install’, ‘engage’, ‘analyse’ and ‘disseminate’ within ten weeks. To install, you will identify behaviourist mindsets; scope the research; and identify respondents and resource materials. UTODEL® will engage with respondents, conduct statistical and qualitative analysis, and make the research outcome available for leadership.
UTODEL® is inspired by the five foundational principles of humanism laid down by James Bugental, related to ‘human potential’, ‘human context’, ‘awareness’, ‘natural responsibility’ and ‘progress and meaning’. Our proprietary HUMAN framework underpins UTODEL®. You will ‘install’, ‘engage’, ‘analyse’ and ‘disseminate’ within ten weeks. To install, you will identify behaviourist mindsets; scope the research; and identify respondents and resource materials. UTODEL® will engage with respondents, conduct statistical and qualitative analysis, and make the research outcome available for leadership.
When during the operating year should you get UTODEL®?
UTODEL® is designed for biennial as well as episodic usage. UTODEL® requires ten weeks to go through the ‘installing’, ‘engaging’, ‘analysing’ and ‘disseminating’ phases. We recommend using UTODEL® in either the last quarter, with a focus on the upcoming cycle, or the first quarter. Several reasons support such a timeline. Interventional ideas from the output of UTODEL® can be incorporated in the performance setting discussions held at the beginning of the cycle. In addition, the quality of inputs will be high given the recent completion of the previous cycle. Finally, you can leverage enthusiasm and openness among employees that is to be expected at the beginning of any performance cycle, to get acceptance of a substantially transformed approach to performance management.
UTODEL® is designed for biennial as well as episodic usage. We recommend usage of the product during either the last quarter, or the first quarter, for several reasons. Importantly, ideas of interventions from UTODEL® output can be incorporated in performance setting exercise held at the beginning of the next cycle. In addition, the quality of inputs will be high given the recent completion of the previous cycle. Finally, you can leverage employee enthusiasm and openness that is to be expected at the beginning of a performance cycle, to get acceptance of a transformed performance management process.
UTODEL® is designed for biennial as well as episodic usage. We recommend usage of the product during either the last quarter, or the first quarter, for several reasons. Importantly, ideas of interventions from UTODEL® output can be incorporated in performance setting exercise held at the beginning of the next cycle. In addition, the quality of inputs will be high given the recent completion of the previous cycle. Finally, you can leverage employee enthusiasm and openness that is to be expected at the beginning of a performance cycle, to get acceptance of a transformed performance management process.
UTODEL® is designed for biennial as well as episodic usage. We recommend usage of the product during either the last quarter, or the first quarter, for several reasons. Importantly, ideas of interventions from UTODEL® output can be incorporated in performance setting exercise held at the beginning of the next cycle. In addition, the quality of inputs will be high given the recent completion of the previous cycle. Finally, you can leverage employee enthusiasm and openness that is to be expected at the beginning of a performance cycle, to get acceptance of a transformed performance management process.

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